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Everything posted by JAMAICAN-VILLAN

  1. I was going to write something smart, then I realised he was only 15. At lest he made an effort.lol
  2. Alright it may be growing on me ever so slightly, but why are the socks blue a different shda to the sleeves? Something is up witht he blue on the shirt. Too dull!
  3. I actually like the away alot more than the home.
  4. Lads the OS have posted the kits on their Fb Page as their cover photo http://tinyurl.com/bp326uy home and away!
  5. I wouldn't go so far as to say it's shit, I just don't personally like it. It looks cheap, in large part thanks to the design. It's not... classy, harmonious, whatever. The collar is fussy to my eye, the little triangle at the front looks like it came from a different shirt. The Macron bloke on the shoulders makes them look too busy and untidy. The yellow trim at the bottom doesn't really 'fit' the rest of the design, it looks like it was just tacked on to add another detail. To be honest the whole thing can be described in that way - they realised they need a claret body and blue sleeves, and then they just chucked stuff at it to make the design and none of it really flows together. So they chucked on a collar that has one kind of detail, and added another detail to the front of it, and then chucked on the yellow base trim, and then whacked the Macron blokes in the most convenient place. And then the 'premium' detail is going to be the heat prints lion on the back which you just... know is going to look a bit desperate, as that doesn't really 'fit' in either. It's not a bad design... it's just not a good one either. You can tell its made by a company not at the top of their game - it's an also ran. I also think the material looks a bit shit but it's hard to judge that off admittedly poor photos. It's not hideous, or a travesty... it's just not good either. It reminds me of a few of the more naff early/mid 90s designs somehow - the designers having a field day with the kit and not making a cohesive design, which requires restraint and clear vision. The away might get away with it a little more, although the colour rumours have me convinced it's going to be hideous. It's like you literally read my mind. The away kit will outsell this tenfold if it's as garish as we're expecting Agree with all of what Chindie said, bloody hell cant they just have one of our mock up artists design next time?! sums up everything I couldnt be arsed saying, and I suspect the same people saying we dont like it because its not Nike, are the same clearings in the woods saying things like if the players name was ""Adamsona Johnsinio"" etc we would be happy.
  6. I dont like collars on football shirts, aside from that its the typical boring stuff. I always look forward to the away shirts now.
  7. The colours look very Burnley esque, hope it is just due to the photo quality. Our colours are usually deeper and richer.
  8. If QIA were investing Lambert would not be our manager. Fact.
  9. when does the transfer window open is all I wanna know!
  10. There you lot go with that shite again. I guess if it was Alexus Mcleshiati we would have been excited by his appointment as well. Come off it!
  11. regarding Grant Holt "Villa have expressed an interest as have Sunderland". Says it all.
  12. I'm actually more enthusiastic on the transfer front, now that I've found out his agent is that slimy character Athole Still. He can get players!
  13. To be honest fuse these were my gripes, but as usual we are stuck with it so we will have to back him. I really thought we would have been smart enough to get a manager with some vibe to him who could bring that feel good factor back and have some creativity with transfers. We've gone the safe and boring route as usual, as I suspect this manager will. :? Your both what I hate about some Villa fans, never happy, never satisfied, part of the poisonous band of miserable gits that linger around Villa Park. Instantly on the clubs back. It makes no difference that football people, with knowledge and experience, rate him as one of the best young managers around. No, lets be upset at the fact he doesn't tell jokes at his press conferences, and he's not from Brazil and called Paulinio Lamberto. Everyones has a right to an opinion, but there's a bunch at Villa that just need to do one. If you check my posts i'm actually one of the more supportive and positive fans, I don't see how expressing my opinion is a sign of me getting on the clubs back or the managers. This kind of reminds me of when we had the chance to invest in some real quality and were on the verge of champions league and signed Heskey. Solid, but bland and unspectacular. I am by no means writing off the appointment. Mark Hughes name wasnt Markinho Hughsino at the time i wanted him here etc. and yes, i would rather pay 6 million for Roberto Champotta from(made up name) from Columbia as a pose to 12 -15 million for Stewart Downing just for arguments sake. of course I'm going to give the manager and see what he brings to the table ffs. I even gave mcleisg more of a chance than most! :?
  14. To be honest fuse these were my gripes, but as usual we are stuck with it so we will have to back him. I really thought we would have been smart enough to get a manager with some vibe to him who could bring that feel good factor back and have some creativity with transfers. We've gone the safe and boring route as usual, as I suspect this manager will. :?
  15. Regardless of whatever the media are saying, I doubt the board have simply been "pissing about" as is being suggested.
  16. If the third man is in fact Benitez, thats who I want to be honest. I wanted Martinez, but now it's kinda funny if this time around we are the ones who rejected HIM!lol. Lambert doesnt do it for me, hope to be proved wrong though.
  17. As I've said, I really don't want Lambert at all, really doesnt isnpire me, shit he even kinda looks like Oneill in some photos, we don't need a bland miserable git right now, we need a young inspiring manager who can bring an overall feel good factor back, and who will be creative in the transfer market. This is not Lambert.
  18. fourth official just tweeted that Martinez is Liverpools manager and The Rogers thing was a smokescreen
  19. Norwich. On another note, I love it how alot of us mere keyboard warriors can deem the man useless when you have absolutely no idea what he has been doing and what the variables and challenges are he has faced.
  20. Excuse the ignorance but who is FSW? I'm racking my brains and can't work it out Fat Spanish Waiter Benitez
  21. Wouldnt it be awesome to be able to say ""Andres is Villas Boas""? ""Aston Villas Boas"", that alone should be a seller!
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