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Marka Ragnos

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Everything posted by Marka Ragnos

  1. Wouldn't it be fun? Oh well. But the collection seems to be selling fast on the online shop. I swear that Patagonia sells these for three times the price ...
  2. Bring on the Hawaiian range for kit ... big step up from the current disaster.
  3. I honestly think he’s the most underrated player in the club.
  4. Villa getting all kinds of attention this week -- this time, it's Emery's "box midfield" approach.
  5. Some mixed thoughts about this match. Great to win. Worried about a few weak spots ... but it's hard to say these are "normal" playing conditions given the often dirty and incompetent play from Hibs. Digne and Ollie looked great. Olsen (!) done well. Bert is a joy. Kamara is amazing. Bailey was the Good Spider-Leon, not the Spider-Leon from an alternate universe. Worries: Diaby lost a lot of balls and missed some shots. Carlos was good, but sometimes seemed a bit tentative and imprecise in passes. We seem a ... bit ... fragile. Am I imagining this? Maybe. I don't know how else to put it. I fear injuries. We have so many games ahead of us, and sometimes already look like we've been at the wars?
  6. I know others have said it, but Hibs have been a disaster -- they are completely unqualified to face Villa. They have been awful. We better not take too much comfort in this win in terms of what it says about our skills and need to improve.
  7. I know. Game is over, but it's like a luxurious bath. No desire to get out.
  8. Bertie did exactly what I always do with Bertie on Fifa. Too many touches in front of goal.
  9. He's like a Lamborghini trying to drive a rally. He seems to do better when he's facing a more skilled opposition.
  10. It's not untrue that Diaby has given the ball away several times tonight.
  11. We get bogged down on the wings a bit midfield. Wish we had some other passes -- for instance, midfield lobbed crosses to the other opposite wing, where there are often open players.
  12. No question that low-quality oppo brings out low-quality play from us. We've always been that way. Last Sept., Bailey got us a point off Man City at Villa Park. Remember?
  13. Yet they're capable of causing Champions League-level injuries to us.
  14. Konsa should come off. We have options. (Doesn't it quality as a head injury?)
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