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Marka Ragnos

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Everything posted by Marka Ragnos

  1. He’ll get some updated instructions, in fact, it looks like he already has.
  2. Ozzy. I understand why he gets played at Villa Park, but I didn’t understand it was actually done. That is awesome.
  3. All these Kenneths are driving me crazy today on here.
  4. On American TV, too. I enjoyed watching cash save the ball 60 times in a row.
  5. I don’t know. Seems a little harsh. I have no question he’s absolutely all in 100% with all his heart. People have different ways of expressing nervousness. I think that he’s anxious.
  6. I hope we come back and keep our foot on the accelerator. Can’t get complacent.
  7. I’ve been there. Doing the games through the VillaTalk thread is like sitting next to a drunken supporter, punctuated with the occasional brilliant comment. Oh, and a sense of camaraderie.
  8. I hope he’s OK, but that’s good news for us.
  9. He reminds me a bit of Philogene’s play last summer.
  10. I love the look on Jhonny’s face. he’s so obviously happy to be out there. I wish him the best, hope he can shine.
  11. Oh my gosh, I get home from work, turn on the telly, and seconds later, Ollie scores. I like this day.
  12. Close. I like it. Let me fix that ... Martinez Cash, Carlos, Torres, Moreno Bailey, McGinn, Luiz, Diaby Tielemans Watkins We should experiment with Diaby on the left.
  13. Your taste in music just floors me. A Lingala soukous song and some experimental sound poems or something? Such a range of cool. Thanks for sharing.
  14. Let's please talk about Andy Bell's effortless, late-80s seaside style. The cinched belt on loose jeans, the unbuttoned dreamy-blue shirt with the rolled up sleeves, the double earrings (which were still a little mainstream-edgy back then) -- perfect. They did so much with so little by today's standards.
  15. The thing this particular trending polling subject rarely accounts for is how racialised and ethnic definitions in the world are always changing, too, particularly around migrant waves. What is Hispanic? What is Black? Racism is always being redefined -- and so is whiteness! Italians migrants to America were treated very badly when they came in the early 20th century, and racialised stereotyping was rampant. In Argentina, Italians were welcomed more readily and got more involved in politics faster.
  16. Well described! Yes, kind of that 10,000 thing. Sort of.
  17. I'd be surprised if this nifty little regional band from Tennessee -- signed to Sire, at one time -- ever made an impression in England. Very early-90s American pop on the edge of tweeness. The fashion hasn't aged too well, but the songwriting was excellent. I used to be spam this tune in postgraduate school days. They were really a bit darker than this video suggests.
  18. But it's not an either/or thing, more that we're dealing with an accumulation of setbacks and it's getting harder, and like any top squad, our quality is there much of the time more or less, as the case may be. Today the case was less.
  19. I agree. I also think we're running up against a reality that no one really wants to face and talk about, and that's simply that our player-quality -- whilst amazing -- falls slightly short, overall, of the clubs at the very top. It feels like we're doing a lot with dwindling resources, and it's starting to catch up? I actually think today could have gone either way before the post-HT collapse. I wouldn't rate Tottenham as the very top, but they and ManU are our closest rivals for fourth.
  20. It was remarkable how fast the collapse hit. I literally went to make a coffee and clean up a few dishes -- and the game was over.
  21. Mother's Day comes once a year. But a chance to get your soul cut out of you, dragged across the pitch and stomped on? How often do we get that?
  22. The thing is, there's a little bloke deep inside of me, with his shirt covered in pie and lager vomit, and he's slurring exactly the same words, @Rodders -- maybe not with the same let-it-all-hang-out panache, but he's there -- he really is. So hat's off to your expressiveness.
  23. "That's not a captain. That's ..." Entertainment?
  24. It's tough. A cringe game like today's seems to leave a lot of supporters on VT at the end of their tethers. I try to remember it's a process after a drubbing like this. This is the worst bit -- the bedwet and "season's over" stage. Most of us will recover that old Villa resilience in a day or two, I suspect. You watch. I think we will learn from today, I really do. . It felt like a match that was sort of overthought tactically, tbh. Unai definitely gets it wrong sometimes.
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