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Everything posted by Amo69

  1. How much did we pay for him again?
  2. haha. I know your joking but as a short term fix he would probably do a better job and at least 100% keep us up. But that's all he would ever be and all he ever should have been. Where is he these days anyway? acting, singing, selling used cars?
  3. Are you kidding me? Wolves destroyed us. How we won that game I will never know. Pure smash and grab!
  4. Once being 30 years ago? I would say they have done very little to hinder the inconsistent and in the most part 'distinctly average' football thats been displayed by AVFC for the last 3 decades. To be fair we had our chance when Lerner first took over. Nobody can deny that he backed the club and spent the money. It was just given to the wrong man in charge (and none of us saw that coming).
  5. The Ironic thing about the Dunne comment is that he tries. They all do and end up giving the ball back 95% out of the time.
  6. The thing is regardless of who we play, when I watch us we seem the poorer team. Ok, we get the results now and then but the football is always terrible. Then I watch the likes of Norwich, Wigan, Boltan, Blackburn who are all probably inferior teams to us and there is still so much heart and attempts to play football. This is why i'm very worried.
  7. Not so sure Mantis, we could easily get sucked in to the relegation battle. You'd think there must be 3 worse teams in the league then us though.
  8. Last season I thought Houllier was a bit harsh on him but I this season we've seen its clear why he was no longer part of his plans. I do wonder how Houllier would have done with this squad. Probably not much better but I bet we could string more than 3 pass's together. Sorry, I digress.
  9. He went MiA or AWOL call it what you want. Basically all that 'I'm one of you', 'I'm a fan too' was as many of us knew a load of bull from a man who was simply doing a job. He got a new one and vanished and we've not heard a word from him since, not even so much as a thanks and goodbye. Don't wish to generalise but I think we are all learning a valuable lesson about American Owners and Football clubs. In the long term they are not a good match. Quite possibly. Maybe a lesson in posting with respect learned by a lot of folk as well, as before he left, some of the posts aimed at him were quite discusting and embarrassing. Of course it was PR, but I think Trents a little harsh on him above - as he asked many a time for people to ask questions in an appropriate manner. Instead he was bombarded with 'I wish you and Randy would f**k off back to where you came from etc' and it just turned into a bit of a cringeworthy joke. A thread that ran its course in which neither parties covered themselves in glory by the end. In that case you cant blame him for no longer posting. Sounds like it really was for the best it coming to an end.
  10. That came out wrong. Sorry. I just don't think the majority of Americans really understand what football means to people here. They may see it, but they will never feel it. Whether this has had a bearing on what is happening to our club I don't know so I probably should have made such a generalised comment.
  11. He went MiA or AWOL call it what you want. Basically all that 'I'm one of you', 'I'm a fan too' was as many of us knew a load of bull from a man who was simply doing a job. He got a new one and vanished and we've not heard a word from him since, not even so much as a thanks and goodbye. Don't wish to generalise but I think we are all learning a valuable lesson about American Owners and Football clubs. In the long term they are not a good match.
  12. I havent been on all season. Can someone tell me what happened to the generals thread?
  13. Bent is a good goal scored and that is it. You have a player like this in your team when you have another 9 out field players that can do the rest and give him service. If we had Bent when we had Young, Downing, Milner, Barry etc in the team then he would have been priceless. At the moment although he must still play he and the team does suffer for the fact we need him to do do so much more than score goals.
  14. Not only that somebody please tell the players to hold on to the ball until there is a pass on. We give the ball away so cheaply. Before I used to think that the players were just not good enough to retain the ball for long periods but Swansea have shown this is clearly not the case. Its so simple yet why cant we do it!!!!???
  15. Julie I wouldnt say Tactics were spot on at all. We had sat back so much that if Arsenal wernt so poor we would have been losing at half time. We were not got value for our lead and we are all honest, even at half time we knew that if Arsenal stepped it up a gear we would still lose.
  16. Good player in a shit team. Nobody else is on his level.
  17. This is one of the reasons I despise MON. He really did buy a lot of shit for big money before he abandoned us. But the one thing you have to give him credit for was he could get the best out of them. AM does not seem to be able to do this.
  18. To be fair to Mcleish I inherited a lot of Mons shit and lost a lot of the the better signings. But this is why we needed a manager that would get the best out of what we have. Not one who has relegated a team twice. Why cant they just hold on to the ball for longer than 3 pass's before whacking it long to nobody? I just dont get it.
  19. As fans we can want McLeash out as much as we want but it wont happen. The owners didnt listen when they got him. There is no reason they will listen now.
  20. After he signed him he had to give him a chance to see what he could offer. But as he is playing so bad he must be dropped until he can improve his game.
  21. Good first half and happy to see Gabby and Hesky amongst the goals. If Heskey had a bit more qualiy though it would have been 3-0 and game over.
  22. I approve because RL has invested a lot of his own money in to the club and we made a good attempt of breaking the top 4. Now your cant blame the board for trying to balance the books a little as the wages to turnover had become ridiculous and not sustainable. I do think they are trying to do there best with the resources available but it will be a transitional couple of years. The 5 year plan is back to Year 1 and we need to be patient again. The only alternative is a oil rich Shiek buying the club and we all know that isnt going to happen. The way I see it, it could always be worse. Look at SHA for instance!
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