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Everything posted by Amo69

  1. This thread was seen as overly negative and someone even called it ludicrous when I started it. I take no pleasure in seeing that fans are now taking relegation seriously. I have been one of the most positive villa fans over the years. Never have I thought we could be relegated no matter how bad it got. I've just never seen us playing this bad
  2. Mcleish would still be at the helm even if we went down. In fact they would point to him bringing blues back up.
  3. he hasnt got the minerals lol The strangest thing is for probably the first time ever about 99% of Villa fans are all saying 'we told you so'! I don't think ever in my history of following football have I seen so many fans against an appointment of a manager to then be proven correct in thier objections. Please correct me if I'm wrong? It's an embarrassment. I hand on heart didn't even feel this disillusioned as a fan under deadly Doug.
  4. My mate gave me 100-1 today for a fiver that we would not go down. He was deadly serious. I think this shows you have to be a villa fan watching us week in week out to fully apprieciate how poor we are playing.
  5. Amo69

    Protesting News

    Although I cant blame people for being upset and venting their anger I cant really see the point of these protests. We know AM is not going to be replaced and if anything we need to be getting behind the team to avoid relegation. Protests are going to have a negative effect IMHO.
  6. I see Heskey is in the team with Ireland and N'zog on the bench. For a man who should be trying to get the fans on his side he is not helping himself.
  7. As a club do you think we deserve to stay up? The way the owners have treated the fans by appointing Mcleash stinks.
  8. Your probably right but I think it will go down to the last few games.
  9. This manager can achieve the so called 'impossible' which he has shown in the past. If somebody once told me SHA would win the Carling cup I would have laughed in their face. If the same person told me Rangers would not finish in the top 2 I would have told them they know nothing about football. Now this same person is saying Villa are going down. I think its time to listen.
  10. Is this thread still a joke? Especially now Heskey is back!!!
  11. I think it's far less likely to happen this season than it was last. Houllier had us down in 17th place in the first week of January and only one point off the relegation zone at the end of march. We may have a dramatic collapse that will plunge us into trouble (McLeish is an old hand at those) but, as things stand, we are not flirting with relegation like last season and there is no justification for this thread. Last season we had the biggest injury crisis I have seen at Villa Park for years. At times Houllier had to field 7 or 8 youngsters at the same time. Mcleish has hard hardly any injuries problems that you could blame defeats for. On top of this last year we had service from Young and Downing which helps set up many of our goals. These are the key differences.
  12. I've felt this for the past few months now it's just I haven't been on Vilatalk all season. I came back on to vent my frustrations on todays game but ended up having a moan about the whole season. See you at the end of the season
  13. It will never happen. I cant see Lerner paying out yet more compensation.
  14. Good point. But on the other hand I think having a goal scorer is one of the small positives we can take from our squad.
  15. its 28-1. Might be worth a sneaky fiver to slightly soften the blow of it happening.
  16. Plus tickets would be cheaper.
  17. Holtelower I have always tried to remain positive about Villa but I haven't felt so demoralised as fan for years. I see your point about home performances and how we really should be getting behind the team. Its just I look at the fixture list and the improvements of the teams below us and I'm genuinely worried.
  18. Could you point out in the opening post where I have moaned please? Are we not allowed to talk about what could happen? We are not too good to go down. The point to the thread actually had a positive side to it saying it maybe would not be the end of the world. At least we'd have a manager with a record out taking teams up
  19. Sorry if this post has already been done but what do you think would happen to our club if we did go down? Obviously it would be a blow but would it be the end of the world? Many clubs in the top flight and have gone down in the past and are back among the top teams. Newcastle, and Man City being the obvious two (albeit in special circumstances for the latter). I just think its something we should all start thinking about because it really could happen this year.
  20. Yep we posses some terrible players and a poor manager. well its funny, because I thought today with Agbonlahor, Ireland, Bent & keane, as offensive players ...does it get much better. but,we simply don't apply ourselves.... and more importantly, don't know how to win. the defence and midfield lack the necessary guile, granted.... but we had a forward line to trouble them.We go 2 goals up and all the weaknesses are their to see. just like wembley against Man U When is this club going to wake up. You just have to look at how the same group of players, and also Sunderland's players, reacted under MON. Yes the football wasn't great but the teams gave their all for a manager they respected. It's obvious the players don't rate AMC and aren't playing for him. I would imagine under a different manager the likes of Bannan, Ireland, Gardner, N'Zobia, Bent & Gabby would absolutely thrive. You swap AMC for Paul Lambert and I would expect our performances, maybe not our results, to improve instantly. Spot on. If your not going to spend money then you need a great motivator and/or tactician to run the squad. Mcleish is neither and we are really suffering for it.
  21. Id take anyone right now. I really would. I know i'll get shot down for this but i'd even take the wally with the brolly. I would have rather had him than Mcleish any day. It would have been the best of a bad pair. Yes we would probably have all been moaning and hating the owners but at least it wouldn't haven't been him in charge! I'm going bed
  22. They know nothing. If they actually listened to the majority of Villa fans when we were linked to him he would know that we didnt want him because he was a shit manager and it was nothing to do with his connection to Blues. If he was a good manager it would have been quite satisfactory taking him off our rivals but the fact is he sent them down twice playing miserable football. I just wish Arsenal had beaten them in the carling cup final so people wouldn't refer to that all the time.
  23. haha. I know your joking but as a short term fix he would probably do a better job and at least 100% keep us up. But that's all he would ever be and all he ever should have been. Where is he these days anyway? acting, singing, selling used cars? Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction.... So I'm not so sure you are right in your theory he would keep us up. Oh dear :? and to think this man was given so many millions to spend when with us. I just thought the players would be motivated by the fact he would shoot them with a shotgun if they did not perform
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