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Everything posted by osmark86

  2. I'm liking the way the match is going now. let's get a damn goal!!
  3. well played Weimann, too bad. should've passed though.
  4. no kidding. the impact sounded loud as hell too.
  5. oh man! how's that not a corner??
  6. well this hasn't been an all too convincing start to the second half so far.
  7. damn Okore, get your act together now!
  8. Yes it's time to push forward. we can't afford to keep playing the same tactics in the second half or we'll give this one away.
  9. damn Hutton slid like 5 meters. monsoooooooon!
  10. Not if it's because we need more of an attacking edge hopefully.
  11. I suppose we'll have to see how the game unfolds after half-time because I can't see anything particularly enlightening happening if we keep going like this.
  12. Clark being polite and diplomatic. good stuff. no more yellows please. wow, so lucky not to have let that one go in. poor defending.
  13. Okore has been great in pretty much all other matches for us, but I think he should be substituted in this one. Poor performance so far and we need the attacking edge.
  14. too slow now. getting a bit dangerous.
  15. aaaah too bad Aly wasn't ready for that ball...
  16. these playing conditions are bloody dire. the one time playing hoofball actually would work and we're not ^^.
  17. I'm glad he's coming off because he's been superb, but it's a shame he's injured himself. Montero seems a great player.
  18. they're playing pretty damn well offensively tbh. I hope we can get one back at them before halftime.
  19. Punch it up and kick the albioners where the sun don't shine. 2-1 win to the villa. let's make it a real reality.
  20. I think Weimann should be given a show here. He works really hard both defensively and offensively which I believe we need in order not to get overrun in the midfield. shame about our injuries in the middle ahead of this fixture as our options aren't exactly ideal. Would like to see Grealish given a start and a chance to really kick it, but I think Richardson will be given that spot ahead of him. Big game indeed, but I think we'll be able to snag it in the end. Especially considering how desperate WBA will be for the win.
  21. could very well happen considering our injury list in the midfield. tbh I think he'll be a good asset against WBA.
  22. thank you John for another inspiring analysis of the game.
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