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Everything posted by osmark86

  1. seems like this will be another bug-eyed result. where them goals at?
  2. that kick was almost Tonev levels of NASA explorage.
  3. holy crap that was a huge chance for them
  4. will something happen? stay tuned to find out..
  5. Yeah I would like to see Campbell in our shirt. He looked pretty solid yesterday against Hull.
  6. I think we'll end up at 12th or 13th, but I choise 9-12 just to be on the bright side. positives are that we are tight at the back. the negatives, well you all know them. lack of that one little element that tends to win games.
  7. glad we won it, but by the looks at the stats and judging by the comments in the match thread I reckon this must have been one helluva drag to sit through.
  8. I'm in disbelief. did we actually kick one in?
  9. seems the mighty Blackpool could get the best of us.
  10. silly English, it's lasagna sunday on the menu.
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