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Everything posted by osmark86

  1. "Liverpool being much easier on the eye". yea, that's p much factual stuff unfortunately.
  2. did the exact same thing. great timing ey?
  3. ^above: a bigger threat to Leicester than anything Villa is capable of producing.
  4. I've come to a point where whenever I see minor improvements and signs of change I dismiss them as being mirages. whenever we patch up one area, another one pops up. futile under Lambert I'm afraid.
  5. the mighty Andi. make us proud today for once, please.
  6. 70th min coming up. are we going to at least attempt to change anything???????
  7. that's all that's missing innit? an Albrighton goal...
  8. the lack of schram in this squad is disturbing.
  9. not even our defending is that good today.
  10. I bet your neighbours feel save now that you're distracted by the Villa ^^
  11. good play but we are shooting like Stormtroopers..
  12. I'm not entirely sure what Sanchez was going for there.
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