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Everything posted by Villa87

  1. Concerned about over confidence for this. Echos of Sheffield united for sure. I have hopes for Ramsey but he hasn’t produced much of note at all in my opinion. If Sanson isn’t fit why is he on the bench?
  2. Emi Cash Konsa Mings Targett Luiz Sanson McGinn Traore Watkins Ghazi
  3. Class from him yesterday. He is definitely playing simpler. Proper warrior!
  4. So disappointing to drop off like this. No consistency.
  5. So so frustrating. Again. Season petering out big time.
  6. Hit and hope all the time. We never mix it up.
  7. What is Ross doing?! Great save. This second half is **** hopeless. What happens to us at half time?!
  8. We look good today. Desperately miss Jack. McGinn at his best so far. Sanson looks good. Watkins heroic.
  9. You would hope so but I’m guessing Barkley would be first if the bench and out shape will go to shit.
  10. Happy with the line up, but I was also happy on Wednesday! Let’s see how Sanson gets on from the start. Hope Targett is back on his game!
  11. Those talking about Kesler - what’s he like as a player?
  12. Villa87

    Ezri Konsa

    a new contract is in the pipeline. The potential in this lad is massive!! For me, only Grealish has a higher ceiling.
  13. He was awful on Wednesday but that was his only poor game this season. Hopefully back to his best today - he will need to be!
  14. Struggling to get excited for this one - ridiculous considering the season we have had, but Wednesday was such a frustrating one!! Need a big turnaround and this will be very tough against a disciplined Wolves team. I would go: Emi Elmo Konsa Mings Targett Luiz McGinn Barkley/Sanson Traore Watkins Ghazi Bit harsh on Nakamba maybe but I would like a bit more composure in the middle. Hard one to call between Barkley and Sanson - argument for either. Don’t think Ramsey has done enough to start.
  15. That’s as bad as it gets in many ways. There was a lack of urgency and a total lack of ideas. The rushed panicking as the clock ticked by was a team devoid of composure. Really angry after that one. Fair play Sheffield United - they dug in and defended very well. Still thing they are atrocious though.
  16. This is truly horrendous. No composure at all. We should have won this one especially after they went down to 10. Unforgivable for me this one.
  17. This feels so much more frustrating than the Brighton game.
  18. Rubbish. Can’t string a run of games together. Must change this at half time to get on the front foot and show something. Sanson or Barkley and Luiz for Ramsey and Nakamba (who has played well to be fair but need more guile)
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