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Everything posted by nick76

  1. Westwood, obviously. Does the same job but to a much, much higher standard. Cambiasso doesn't have the legs he used to, obviously, but Westwood isn't particularly athletic either - probably a little faster than Cambiasso, but the latter's ability to read the game, win the ball, pass etc. is far better. plus we need more than just 11 players. They'll all get game time what with suspensions, cup games, out of form and just usual wear, tear and injuries. We have to get out of the mind set of only needing 11 players
  2. Agreed, it would be other people that would do the bulk of the work I would assume although I'm assuming Tim would sit down with the player and talk about the football but Tom Fox and the Legal team would nut out the contract before the medical team complete the medical
  3. Urgh! Keeping the ring on while kneading a dough? Sherwood out! more concerned that his hands are very feminine to be honest
  4. Foreign name, young and fast which are all the ingredients that Villa love but this one doesnt get me excited from the stats and stuff
  5. Would love a marque signing to lift spirits as Benteke leaving I'm more gutted than I thought I would be despite us knowing he was likely to go. I know the squad needs money spent wisely in many areas and all that, just sometimes the fans need a little lift, something to hang our hat on and be optimistic about the future rather than realistic......that's sometimes part of the fun
  6. If he becomes our main striker we could have a really small starting XI. Adding him at 5ft 9 and Gueye roughly the same height along with Gabby, Grealish and Gil
  7. Gutted, I knew I would be but feeling even more than I thought I would. Sad day for Villa!
  8. unfortunately it'll be for 70m and they'll make a big fat profit from it following the likes of Suarez and Sterling
  9. welcome back in to England Randy, hope the flight from the U.S. Was comfortable
  10. You can't say "wrongly, obviously" factually as until the window is shut it might be a possibility and that possibility gives some fans the panics
  11. I think because rightly or wrongly we feel we will be let down again by Lerner and the money wont get reinvested or enough reinvested. I don't think the panic is time although it can seem like that, it's just about what we do. Obviously we want people in as early as possible but if we knew we were getting X amount of players/quality before the deadline the sense of panic wouldn't be there IMO
  12. All deals are, so when we buy players it will be structured the same. I didn't know all payments to all selling clubs are made in two installments Yeah it seems to be very rare that substantial transfers of players are paid in full upfront so I don't think this hinders our potential of recruiting players with that money as we will structure deals the same way when purchasing a player.
  13. Problem with Gabby is that we miss his pace and movement when he doesnt play but when he does play and provides that pace and movement the end product is awful. He doesn't have a football brain and his shooting ability is championship standard but his movement adds a different dimension to us and defenders so worry about him. So in some ways he's a luxury player but we can't afford to have him in our starting eleven because losing that position to a player like him means we have less attacking players who are likely to score and given our midfielders dont score many that's too big of a problem to have
  14. Not a great achievement though being slightly better than the cup final XI. We need more goals from the team and that line up is short of that as I cant imagine many goals from Gil, Grealish or Praet so that just leaves Adebayor and/or the other striker.
  15. Him and Charlie Austin upfront as a front two could be exciting
  16. that was like watching a highlights clip of Benteke, very similar style.....get him in
  17. If Benteke goes as well we really need a lift as fans. We need to be able to spend Delph and Benteke money (over and above what we have spent on Gueye and potentially Amavi) and go and get some quality, and we need it in a fair number of positions on the pitch
  18. just hope we get too spend the money from the sale (less Genk part) and hope we spend wisely, the two rarely happen in football
  19. Excellent player off the bench now but shouldn't be in the starting eleven
  20. Don't care really after this and none of our players are real captains anyway
  21. I'd rather they keep Balotelli to be honest, I dont want Balotelli anywhere near us
  22. Anybody heard about the 32.5m clause expiring on the 1st of July hence why Liverpool have now completely backed off because it didn't happen before then? Sounds like BS but great if true
  23. Oh dear. Here we go again. It's all one big conspiracy against us. Well forgive me if I'm being a little paranoid but it's been Benteke to Anfield and then when that seems to be dying a death that Delph suddenly is going to Man City and then on the day, yes on the day, he announces he's staying that suddenly it is now reported that Man U are interested in Benteke without any real substance My belief is that the Delph deal happened and he turned it down at the end, for whatever reason (likely he didn't want to look like a complete chump after comments). With Benteke, most fans on here have resigned themselves to the distinct possibility of him leaving. This is hardly a conspiracy against Aston Villa for **** sake. Not conspiracy just convenient that the day Delph stays they need another story and even though all the reports are Man U are after Muller and/or Higuain just convenient Benteke has been chucked into there where it hasn't been mentioned before.
  24. Oh dear. Here we go again. It's all one big conspiracy against us.Well forgive me if I'm being a little paranoid but it's been Benteke to Anfield and then when that seems to be dying a death that Delph suddenly is going to Man City and then on the day, yes on the day, he announces he's staying that suddenly it is now reported that Man U are interested in Benteke without any real substance
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