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Everything posted by CLARETANDBLUEFOXY

  1. Well, in a twist of irony - driving there hasn’t been much better either. The m1 northbound was closed which has put an hour extra onto our journey. Apparently there was some sort of incident. Today is clearly not the day to travel anywhere by train, car or carrier pigeon.
  2. I’ll be at this game, and I haven’t seen us lose when I’ve been at a game at Villa Park since against Leeds in 2018 (and I’ve been to plenty of games in that time) so I’m hoping to keep up my 100% record.
  3. Main thing is, under Gerrard we would have caved and lost that 3-0 easily. We are better now.
  4. I’m gonna be selfish here and say this is good news for us peeps on the waiting list
  5. 7th place. Starting to feel like 2007-2010 era all over again. Getting dizzy from being so high up after months in 11th
  6. It’s almost like we just don’t want to be in the top ten. We’ve tried it, we hate it, let’s keep 11th.
  7. To be fair, all the players are really playing for is to stay top of the bottom half. No chance of getting past 11th because Chelsea seem to have a vice like grip on 10th. You can tell they’ve got one eye on next season already, but we’ve got Steven Gerrard to thank for our season being over by March. Gonna be a long two months.
  8. That pisses me off so much. All game yesterday people kept getting up throughout the game and it’s like why bother coming if you’re just gonna leave your seat for most the game? It’s very selfish to the people around you also.
  9. You seen the train station after full time ? Personally I drive, but when I used to get the train if you don’t leave before the final whistle you won’t get home until the following Saturday.
  10. I totally agree. I think my hate of them comes from when we had that bit of rivalry with them for 5th spot. Their fans were odious and cocky and I’d just love to see them go down
  11. I went yesterday - I thought the atmosphere was quite good considering we are mid table and playing for basically no more than pride with no cup runs under our belts. We ain’t gonna be rivalling the likes of arsenal for atmosphere when they’re sat at the top of the table and we are top of the bottom half I think the atmosphere matches the team currently and I have no complaints.
  12. I’m disappointed Everton are winning. I’d love to see them go down.
  13. Im on the way home from the ground now. Wasn’t the most exciting game but the lads ground out the win well when Palace were intent on being as aggressive as they could. McGinn was brilliant - MOTM for me.
  14. We just cannot break that ceiling can we!
  15. Im going to this. Can’t **** wait!
  16. Yeah to be fair you’re not wrong. I’ve had the experience after games and after gigs and it’s horrendous!
  17. So many empty seats in general in the man United end. Couldn’t imagine be that too used to success.
  18. Why are Sky being so obsessive over Newcastle? The commentators are acting like they’re the official club of the country and as if them losing is heartbreaking for everyone.
  19. Also noticed Saka’s possible red was omitted from MOTD highlights.
  20. Quite scary that we are only 8 points away from the bottom three when you think how close we were to getting into the top ten a few games back.
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