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Everything posted by KjParton

  1. Would like it to be announced at the PC tomorrow afternoon
  2. mid table, good cup run, attacking and entertaining football
  3. Would be nice to see lots of people down there welcoming him
  4. All I want to see is the PC and watch him chat in his little accent to the cameras
  5. Haven't seen him play, but is he worth 7m?
  6. FFS Lerner just pay compensation for the backroom staff!
  7. I'd rather have Culverhouse, as i've heard Lambert has only done so well because of him and the others.
  8. Agent_ITK on (the social networking sight that shall not be named but is named after something that birds commonly do) backs this statement up
  9. I'd probably agree with that - would like to see Moses and Defoe at Villa
  10. Do we know if they will do a Press Conference on a bank holiday? I'm not so sure whether they do or not? If not I expect Wednesday to be the picture of PL.H.T.S.A.T.H.E
  11. Haunting is the one word that can describe it.
  12. we believe so and so does Richard - but just keep your fingers crossed, just in case
  13. I'd agree more communication from our owner - to the fans would be nice.
  14. I see I see - well I hope you're right because by the sound of it, he needs them with him!
  15. well I did say welcome to Ian and Gary the night before last ;-) hmmm - so you're confirming the backroom staff are coming to villa?
  16. I don't think we'll be taken over this summer for sure, as Lerner is expecting to fork cash out for Lambert, He wouldn't say that if we were going to get new owners.
  17. With Norwich City Fans/Delia Smith types maybe but Villa fans? *shakes head* The statement isn't concise at all, blunt and abrupt maybe and a little unprofessional. I want to hear about his vision, ambition etc I think that will be revealed at the press conference - presuming Wednesday? i'm not too sure
  18. Now make sure you back it up with some decent cash, you bastards! PL has a lot of work to do to repair the damage of the past two seasons.Don't worry ;-) Whats that you say he'll be backed with 200m!? Brilliant! :3
  19. 30m is needed tbh
  20. Sad and deluded would be the words that come to mind. I just wanna smack them both times 3/4-0 will be nice and then they can get relegated :3 whilst we're chanting: 'We're a bigger club than you! We're a bigger club than you!' Haaarrhaarr
  21. Really excited! Can we confirm his backroom staff are coming as well?
  22. Whats up with those sizes? Do they think everyone is large?
  23. I just want there to be an announcement...
  24. I think that is because Lambert likes to change the squad on a regular basis
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