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Everything posted by TheDrums

  1. MON at Sunderland and us at Villa Park with the ginger tosser, Frustrating.
  2. Lol, pizza face looking as clueless as ever. clearing in the woods.
  3. When will the banners looking McLeish and Lerner out be first unfolded? Hopefully f@king soon.
  4. Eck will lead us to the promise land. Ginger tosser.
  5. Ashley Young celebrating like he won the lottery. **** off you word removed.
  6. Is it too early to be on the beer even if we will be beat probs? :S
  7. Disgrace. I agree. £22m could have got £26m without Ireland. Pinch pocket Lerner. He needs to go. He isn't even bothered to be here. Still moving his son at school for 6 months, even though more poorer families can move their children at new schools within a month. My uncle moved his son to Dublin from Northern Ireland and had him settled at UCD within 2 weeks. Absolute propaganda nonsense.
  8. They did have McGrath in defence running the show. Dunne saved Ireland away to Russia just like McGrath against the Italians, so ya never know.
  9. Wikipedia says he's 30 goals in 36. The Messi of that league.
  10. Yes, I had heard he was playing lower football, and also driving a cab. What a shame. Early fame goes to your head and then its a downfall from there if you don't put the work in.
  11. Last I heard about his brother was he was a taxi driver.
  12. I presume that was because of the Cold War and the divide in Germany?
  13. Lol, yeah his hattrick against Boro.
  14. I agree. I think its people just being bitter about our current position.
  15. Maybe so, but he'd have been better than Heskey anyway.
  16. Shane Long would have been better than Heskey and would have cost at most £4m.
  17. If it works with bitches it must be true for football managers.
  18. As bickster said second appointments never work out. There are other managers out there than MON - young, upcoming managers with something to prove and quite spectecular records like Southamptons manager. Maybe not the youngest at 46 but plenty of years to offer a club willing to give him a chance at the top.
  19. On Vital Villa every single time the going got tough he was suddenly busy for a few weeks and would appear when everything is good. He suddenly appeared, such a coincidence when Bent was signed to take up all the compliments, but was no where to be seen when criticism was coming his way. Even though he told fans he'd be here throughout the bad times. He deleted Villa fans from his Facebook page not because they left comments on his wall because he wanted nothing more to do with them, even though "he was one of us". Then you have him disappearing without as much as a goodbye. Ok, he may not be a coward but a propaganda spinning lapdog he certainly is.
  20. All this "We're a bigger club than you" is quite frankly childish, pathetic and embarrassing. My nephews who play under 12s go on about this stuff to their "rivals".
  21. I sort of agree. He's told Sky he wants a win so yeah clap at the start but thats it. He's just an opponent now. Hope he gets broken in half.
  22. Is that who you support in Germany, Gareth? Borrusia Gladbach (easy way of spelling an incredibly difficult name ) If so, why?
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