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Everything posted by TheDrums

  1. Joey Barton who demands x amount of money calling someone else selfish? Haha
  2. How exactly does my last post make it sound like I am happy for him? :?
  3. Its amazing he gets paid £1m for such bullshit. If I wanted to watch Heskey in midfield I'd play Football Manager.
  4. Well we shall see soon but I am absolutely confident it will be him.
  5. Yeah, far better sticking with a negative, anti-football manager relegated twice than a man that finished 6th, 6th, 6th.
  6. Lerner is clueless. He appointed him and then set sail for America to keep his head buried in the sand. Funny that he was getting abuse in America and came over that weekend for his first match in November. He's a coward.
  7. Sunderland forums are saying its MON will be confirmed tonight / tomorrow. Meanwhile we're stuck with the ginger Mourinho and Heskey in midfield. Great.
  8. Yeah, the team that hardly attacks and has Heskey as our creative midfield player with 46% pass success rate will beat Fergie. McLeish will bend over for "Sir" Alex thanking him for getting him a job in a league he was relegated from twice. Manners and all that.
  9. Why would he not get a good reception?
  10. And how is it different? A manager universally despised by the majority of fans. Check. Crap, negative, boring football. Check. And only 5 points behind us and they are said to be in a relegation battle, with a better goal difference. Go on Bazdavies79, explain.
  11. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=648931 "Thanks Steve", the same fans that admitted they chanted fat Geordie bastard at him. Jesus I hate that club even f@cking more.
  12. Sunderland fans think they can sign Thierry Henry and Rafa as manager. Haha. Poxy, worthless little club.
  13. It will be O'Neill. An absolute cert.
  14. I see Sunderland have the balls to sack a manager playing crap, negative football but not Lerner. Happy enough to count the $$$$$.
  15. Lerner has no balls. A crap, spineless owner who doesn't make necessary changes unless it is forced upon him.
  16. Didnt Doug appoint DOL, Taylor mk2, Venglos, McNeill. You forgot to mention the one and only Graham Turner from Shrewsbury Town - boy was he shit! One day managing Shrewsbury the next the mighty Villa - that was his McLeish if you want to compare (or praise that old git). Struggling to beat lower league clubs in cups - losing to "lesser" teams. John Gregory managed Wycombe before coming here. Paul Lambert resigned from his first job at Livingston after a horrible time there. Just because someone managed a lower league team doesn't mean they won't be any good. But yes Turner was f@cking shit.
  17. And? DOL brought Leeds to a Champions League semi final and Graham Taylor was a beloved Villa legend. McLeish as we all know was relegated twice by our city rivals.
  18. He's been wasted for years as a holding player when he is an attacking midfielder naturally.
  19. Well yeah because you are talking about a set of results that havent happened yet to futher justify his sacking. Look I dont want him here particularly but there cant be many instances of someone getting sacked after 3 defeats in 13 and i'm fairly certain even deadly wouldnt have done it. Thats because Ellis would never have appointed him in the first place.
  20. Maybe it is but the whole rest of my post stands true, no? Is anything I've said there factually incorrect?
  21. There cant be many instances of a manager getting sacked after 13 games and 3 defeats. But once we've played Liverpool, Arsenal, United and Chelsea and lost you can be rest assured his sacking is more than justified. Scolari was sacked after a goalless draw to Hull City. How many draws has McLeish had against supposedly inferior opposition? He sounds delighted with a draw at Swansea City, a team who have players that 2 years ago were playing Conference league football and below. :? You then have his negative, crap, hoof ball tactics and Emile Heskey in midfield as our main playmaker. A man that has a 46% pass success rate as our playmaker. Yes, McLeish is doing well. Its also not like he will suddenly change is it? Negative football at Hibs, Rangers, Scotland and SHA. Rangers were the top team in the SPL and he still played defensively with some absolute bizarre tactical decisions. Its why he's disliked by the majority of fans for boring them to death at Ibrox for years.
  22. He actually listened to a radio commentator? That shows how clueless he is. Who is supposed to be the manager McLeish or Stan Collymore? Christ if it wasn't so sad I'd have to laugh. Our club is a joke. At least Doug Ellis would have sacked a manager when it clearly wasn't working.
  23. Lol, now that he's away he doesn't want to return. He's been happy sitting on the bench for the last 3 years.
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