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Everything posted by ciggiesnbeer

  1. Agreed even a dinosaur like Pulis did that exact thing today, away from home too.
  2. lol, my mistake sorry. I DO feel strongly about it apparently
  3. I dont feel sorry for him or his backroom staff at all. I feel sorry for the fans who have had to endure this. Because reality check, we had on the field today a squad valued above 100 million quid. Preston's is what, ten million? If you squint? All the complaints about Aston Villa should be how we have "bought the league" because that's how much investment has been ploughed into this team. Bruce has zero excuses. He has been backed, twice and failed twice. Its all on him now.
  4. I can confirm Preston's service was excellent and includes full match replays. It is embarrassing that our club has a worst service that Preston North End. Villa just needs to sack AVTV's staff and use iFollow. I am sorry I dont like to see people lose their jobs but they have had years to get AVTV to work, it still doesnt and they do not give a damn.
  5. Go man, for the love of god, just go.
  6. Disturbing our loanee giives more of a crap than our perm players....
  7. "Preston have won it right at the end, can you believe it?" yes, yes I can.
  8. Maybe we can nick a decent free kick chance before the end of the game. We do have some very good freekick takers. Straws I know...
  9. So the plan is to hold on and try and get a free kick. Ok Steve.
  10. So what are we thinking here? Concede 1 or 2? I reckon we might hang on for a draw after the inevitable next Preston goal.
  11. Tuanzebe was fouled there not the other way around.
  12. Our plan appears to invite them on to us. That rarely ends well.
  13. We are doing very well tbh. Dare I say it our football isnt bad either. Fairplay to Bruce and the players.
  14. Not sure what happened to Preston since last season. Wow they really have dropped off.
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