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Lord Willard

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Everything posted by Lord Willard

  1. Rodri suspended is massive. We also said this about Spurs and we nearly **** that up
  2. Can’t be losing to Forrest and Bournemouth away from home if we are chasing the top 4
  3. Even Popes injured for them now. Not going to lie Newcastle are quite decent with so many injures
  4. Because we’ve scored more goals away from home. We’ve finished top no?
  5. So weve finished top then? Unless some crazy goal difference swing happens
  6. Could really tell the Legia players were taken back by the size of Villa Park
  7. Police holding them in a peg is definitely going to cause frustration. Terribly orchestrated by the police.
  8. The higher we are in the table the more our squad players prices increase. It’s what all the top clubs do. The mid table teams are more likely to buy squad players off plus at 4th than in 12th.
  9. Also surprised no one has mentioned in the media that Spurs new manager bounce has ended?
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