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Everything posted by daggy_333

  1. Lichaj is filling a gap currently, he's not first choice remember.
  2. There are a few people on here who would moan no matter what formation or players were selected.
  3. daggy_333


    I've even started letting the people at the church by villa park to talk to me and give me a leaflet in the vain hope it'll assist us somehow!
  4. daggy_333


    Wow what a delightful little cretin you are.
  5. Yesterday was not a 4141 at all, sat on the half way line of the Doug Ellis Stand i get a pretty good view of the formation and yesterday was definitely a 4231.
  6. Well i was at the match and i thought that for a 0-0 it was a decent match, neither team really deserved to lose so a draw was a fair result.
  7. I don't understand the love in for Bannan, if that performance is one that we're happy with then it's no wonder we are where we are in the league.
  8. What's going on with Chris Herd at the moment? Is he still injured or just not making the match day squad? I'd like to see him play against Reading as a CB if Vlaar/Baker are unavailable.
  9. I think that twice in yesterdays game he jumped and turned away from the ball when an Arsenal player was shaping to cross the ball which led to them turning inside him. If he can stop doing that i'll be happy. Looking like a bargain signing so far though!
  10. daggy_333


    The Norwich game is in the Capital One Cup pal....
  11. I think his backing out of tackles has annoyed me more than anything from today, his passing is quite often crisp and precise but it seemed a bit wimpy to be backing out of tackles so often!
  12. Started chanting " You don't know what you're doing", when he took Giroud off for Coqulin(sp)
  13. I'm starting to think that my opinion must be tainted by where i sit in the ground lol. I think i counted 3 occasions today where he wimped out of making a challenge, the fact that he is starting week in week out now is a sad indictment of our current squad. (In my opinion)
  14. Just got back from the ground, very pleasing performance on the whole. Just one thing though, I can't understand the praise for Bannan, i think i counted 3 occasions where he wimped out of making a tackle-thought it was a joke when he got MOTM in the ground :-/
  15. Just read back through the posts (apologies for not doing it first off). It's only the Randy Lerner Thread that i'm having the problem with-non of the others that i've tried are giving me any grief.
  16. Tried that this morning as you suggested and still no joy...
  17. Being the neanderthal that i am, my better half does my washing for me, she assures me she's been washing it at 30 degrees and also inside out. I just hope they allow me to exchange it!
  18. Ive had the new shirt since September and the macron logos have started to peel off. As i've had it for a while are they likely to exchange it or am i stuck with it?
  19. Not sure if anybody else has had this issue, but when accessing the site off my mobile i sometimes find that when i try to enter certain forum topics i'm directed to the very first page of the discussion rather than the last and as there is no option to select the newest page i either have to click through every page or just leave it. Any suggestions?
  20. It's not a case of being happy clappy, i can assure you i'm not sat here smiling while i beat my hands together, it's a case of not believing everything is as bad as morons like you paint them to be!
  21. I guess we should all turn into Morpheus clones now and sit and moan day in day out from our armchairs...
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