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Everything posted by KHV

  1. Crystal Palace, Everton and West Ham said the same and got releg....... Oh wait a minute
  2. Well the Southampton manager has turned things round in recent weeks......... Beat Norwich and a point at Watford? If not GTFO
  3. Leicester and Sheff Utd were always difficult games It’s the manner of the defeats that are worrying me
  4. He will be on TS with Brazil next week I will put the call in
  5. I don’t actually think the recruitment was that bad Selection, Tactics and ideas are missing
  6. I’m fairly certain it’s still under the trinity Yep I have resorted to childish humour before the 70 min mark!
  7. Basics We need to learn the basics Call Big Sam I don’t care about the so called brand of football Its a results business and he gets results There, I said it
  8. Did we get booed off? Thats usually a sign of things getting ugly
  9. This project reminds me of the project I handed in for my GCSE CDT class It was shit and I got a D
  10. The wheels have well and truely come off. Leicester was bad, Sheff Utd was worse and somehow we are now sinking to new lows Smith probably can’t believe his luck at that new deal
  11. I just want us to play with some kind of plan and purpose Its been a bit of a mess lately and the midfield is quite literally all over the place Nobody seems to know what they are doing which is a bit of a concern
  12. Ancelotti isn’t available, Poch would never come here and Smith isn’t going anywhere. Kodjia won’t be picked over Wes either as he will be gone in two weeks time
  13. KHV


    It reminds me of the time we appointed Garde. It’s a real “what the **** is going on here moment”
  14. If he loses this and Wesley has another shocker things could get rather unpleasant for Dean I have a feeling the boos will ring out today if we are utter crap for the third week in a row
  15. KHV


    He won’t make it to next season. None of the players wanted Arteta Aubameyang and Lacazette will down tools and demand to leave Its got disaster written all over it, especially as the bulk of the squad said they don’t want him Hillarious move from the owners
  16. I think he is lightweight, his touch isn’t very good and his distribution is awful especially when he is under pressure. His weaknesses far outweigh his good points IMO
  17. I don’t rate him in the slightest. Incredibly limited footballer
  18. It’s 4-0 now, but remember Smiths half time team talk is to come It’s not over yet
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