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Everything posted by KHV

  1. I'm afraid you can NEVER trust a Canelo fight. He is not a clean fighter You can also NEVER trust a Golden Boy fight either, doping commisions paid to look the other way and judges and referees bribed left right and centre Canelo and Golden Boy fights are the biggest cases of fraud you will ever see in Sport, everything about them stinks
  2. KHV


    Shame, its a beautiful country and the people are wonderful
  3. Losing a game from 87 minutes is never acceptable
  4. The only thing worrying me at the moment is the trend of collapsing in the second half. It's becoming a habbit and I don't know it will stat to affect the players going forwards Unless we get 2 or 3 goals clear it's becoming almost inevitable we won't hang on Teams that stay up can grind out the odd 1-0 here and there which is something that is starting look like it will never happen, I know Liverpool are a good team but coming away with nothing from being 1-0 up on 87 minutes I find unacceptable regardless of the opposition
  5. because he is a massive drugs cheat and will be fully loaded before the fight and will be protected by his hugely corrupt promotion team by backhanders and bribes I **** despise Canelo
  6. Need to learn how to shut up shop Should have had two banks of 5 in front of the 18 yard line
  7. The last time I was this stressed West Midlands Police were asking me to blow into the machine until I heard a beep
  8. This is where Deano let's himself down. He will wait for Liverpool to score two before doing anything
  9. McGinn can do that. For me Luiz has gone AWOL. I'd be tempted to hook him for Lansbury
  10. That sentence sums Mings up perfectly. Superb 99% of the time then has a brain fart
  11. A bit of both to be honest. Liverpool can be got at.
  12. Not now. But if he runs around at the same rate he will be **** in about 20 mins
  13. I know it's bad but I tempted to back Liverpool to win 2-1 or 3-1 Seen it happen too many times in the past
  14. Not a bad shout. Smith should be ready to replace McGinn at some point because he will be out on his arse after 65/70
  15. Yeah. I'm waiting for us to concede the equalizer and crumble after about 55 to 60 mins
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