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Everything posted by Keyblade

  1. I like how he aims for the absolute far corner when he shoots, even when he's point blank in front of a keeper, just out of their reach. Some of our strikers would do well to learn from that.
  2. I wouldn't want Jack as a CM anyway even if that's where he sees himself. He needs to roam, I agree. But from the middle as an attacking midfielder. If you recall the 17/18 season where he really ascended towards the player he is today, he was wreaking havoc from the middle because we actually had 2 wide players who were a threat. He was the king of the "assist to the assist". Those little through balls inside the fullback to the either Adomah or Snodgrass were too deadly, and that's why they got 40 goals/assists between them. I would love to see that translated into the PL with quality wide players like Rashica for example. I loved him as a left winger last season and he got some good goals, but I much prefer him in the role I described above. Besides I think it's better for the team anyway.
  3. I don't believe this, no. As long as Jack and John are disciplined in their roles.
  4. Didn't Dalglish decide they didn't need Zidane because they already had Tim Sherwood
  5. Marv is good at that for sure, it's just the bit that happens after the interception/tackle that he's still a bit shaky on. That's where Luiz' calmness and ability on the ball shine through.
  6. I'm not saying teams don't play with defensive midfielders anymore, just that the "destroyer" role has been phased out for a while. Would you class Busquets as a "destroyer"? Or Thiago Alcantara, Casemiro, De Jong etc? Most of these players are actually quite slight, but they know where to be on the pitch and intercept danger before it materializes. That's where the modern game is now.
  7. I don't understand English football's obsession with a destroyer in the middle of the park. Look at most of the top teams, they don't play with one. They play with sweeper DCM's who have excellent positional awareness and an eye for a pass. We have an unbelievably talented player in Luiz who fits that bill to a tee. Why mess that up by pushing him up so we can play some brute behind him to "do the dirty work"?
  8. Herman Cain just tweeting like he didn't die or anything:
  9. See Zaha last season. If no club is paying he won't go. Besides, he has plenty of time to move. He'll be at this level or better for another 5 years at least I'd imagine. His next move needs to be absolutely right, it wouldn't hurt to survey the scene for another year while his profile grows even more. It would be a huge shame if he followed in the footsteps of the last 2 players we sold to top 6 clubs.
  10. I thought so too, but said Villa were in "advanced talks" with Bremen. This has legs.
  11. What the hell. If this doesn't happen I'll be gutted. What a steal.
  12. I think Konsa is better than both of them tbh. Also think Targett and Guilbert are just fine for us. Wouldn't mind Henry to push for a starting place though.
  13. He didn't score from central midfield? The relegation threatened team he played for didn't win often? Jack out.
  14. Yeah we'd probably have to sacrifice one of them to accommodate this 4 man midfield and 3 man attack
  15. Villa fans: "Worried about Watkins as he only seems to score tap-ins." Recruitment: "Yes."
  16. Spotted at the Belfry would do for me.
  17. Oh man, I don't want to get my hopes up. What a signing this would be.
  18. Similar to Wolves yesterday. It's weird seeing Bruceball at the highest level. You have to at least try to counter attack occasionally!
  19. Only themselves to blame for parking the bus for the whole second half.
  20. PSG channeling the spirit of Trezeguet with their shooting today. Someone tell them they need a cross to the back post to score.
  21. Neymar simultaneously putting the whole team on his back and ensuring they don't score. Amazing.
  22. Neymar playing well and having a mare at the same time. What a weird performance.
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