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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. Excuse the ignorance but who is FSW? I'm racking my brains and can't work it out Rafa Benitez = Fat Spanish Waiter Haha **** how did I miss that. Not sure he'd be a good fit tbh
  2. Excuse the ignorance but who is FSW? I'm racking my brains and can't work it out
  3. Yeah someone will be picking up a decent keeper that will just be starting to enter his peek. Good luck to him.
  4. Guardiola Seriously by deduction it leaves Poyet or Di Matteo, unless they can convince AVB. Does Rijkaard still count as young? I'd love a bit of Dutch flavour at the club but I think he's manager of Saudi Arabia which I would have thought is rather well-paid.
  5. Well, on the basis that RL and/or PF have actually met and held discussions with OGS (rather than just watching a YouTube video and whipping themselves up into a frenzy), one has to assume that they know more about him than you and have valid reasons for not pushing more aggressively for a deal. We've also only been without a manager for 10 days. I don't understand why people are panicking. Liverpool and West Brom haven't filled their manager positions either and are probably at a similar stage of recruitment as us. Solskjaer is the only one we know that has been interviewed and that was just by pure chance that Treesy works at the airport. I can be certain that the club hasn't spent the last 10 days just trying to get Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and he's stuck two fingers up at them. It sounds like they have someone they prefer to Solskjaer and are taking their time to make sure it is done properly.
  6. Not sure about that, Di Matteo did much better with Chelsea than AVB by getting the best out of the players rather than upsetting them. We saw with Houllier how successful coming in and upsetting everyone is. Either way I'm sure AVB will be eyeing up a much higher-profile job than the Villa, no matter how much Randy wanted him.
  7. Absolutely, they get far too hard a ride as far as I'm concerned
  8. Tough one because it seemed that the whole fanbase had been behind Solskjaer. Poyet for me with Steve Clarke as assistant would be the perfect combination of good football and passion with a bit of steel.
  9. My feeling is that they did make it clear he was first choice but Molde have made it as difficult as possible for him, and he's decided to have a go at qualifying for the Champions League, with the family reasons just an excuse to save everyone's reputation. He's still young after all and will get a chance at some point in the Premier League, no need for him to rush. It would have been nice if it came off but shit happens.
  10. I agree totally. I'm sure Randy wants above all else VP to be full every week and linking us to Solskjaer has certainly galvanised the support, judging from on here. There is something that just feels right about him, but it will take time for changes to take place.
  11. That youtube video had a Manc coach, can't remember his name, who he clearly took from the reserves with him. I think we could genuinely expect him to try and follow the Fergie model. I'd also love Laursen to come back but I think he'd be a better manager in his own right in the long term.
  12. That Ole interview/video is great. Very infectious enthusiasm and just seems an all-round good bloke. His biggest problem would be the overpaid trogs he'll have to work with.
  13. That's the biggest problem. This talk of wanting someone for the next 3 years, he'll probably get half of Villa Park booing if it's still 0-0 at half-time on the first day of the season. Just hope everyone will be grateful that it isn't McLeish any more and really support the team next season.
  14. I would feel more comfortable with Poyet with Steve Clarke to help out. I worry a bit about managers that haven't had a bad period which they have come through and gained experience to fall back on when things inevitably get a bit tough. I think that is why AVB 'failed' at Chelsea. But I obviously base this on no knowledge of how Molde played last season or how Ole handles himself as a manger. He was one of the few United players I didn't physically hate and would support him 100%. It's certainly a lot more imaginative than getting McLeish in.
  15. **** no. He should have got rid of Stephen as well. He's terrible and looks like this knob I work with if you slightly deflated him. Tom or Gabrielle to win
  16. Yeah that is a decent statement from him. I am so glad that he is gone though. I have no issue with the money he spent just the negativity that he brought to the football. Now let's get a 21st century football man in, there are plenty of great managerial prospects just waiting to take a club like ours to the next level.
  17. Horsham got relegated about 2 months ago :cry: They sold the ground about 15 years ago and the council still haven't managed to agree to a site for a new ground. The housing company allowed them to keep the ground for about 10 years before finally building so the club has been without a ground for about 5 seasons and finally got to the point where they can't pay players any more. So I saw them win one game this season out of about 15 that I went to. Sad to see how a club that drew with Swansea under Martinez in the Cup a few years back in the state it is now because of some NIMBY ****. Apparently they've finally been able to get a planning application in but whether it will be accepted I shall wait and see.
  18. Hopefully this means we won't have to put up with Gerrard spraying passes into the stands or any other Scouse garbage. I'd be happy with either him or Harry tbh. I can't see past Spain winning it anyway, a semi-final appearance is the best I'm hoping for.
  19. Yep, but the Prime Minister hasn't got any money, and as for the future King of England, we all know what people on here think of people who inherit wealth...... Darren Bent probably earns more in 3 weeks than Cameron gets in a year as PM. The PM gets paid a ridiculously low amount of money for the job he's meant to do, although he is minted anyway I guess. Can't see anyone in England being foolish enough to spend money on a football club at the moment.
  20. He revolutionised the game imo. Nobody else has developed a team that can dominate 70% of the possession against even the finest club sides in the world, and the pressing game he introduced was ingenius. This season he probably went a bit too far in trying to create a team so perfect that it only needed midfielders but I still fancy nobody other than Mourinho would have won the league ahead of Barca.
  21. I agree. When Randy and Faulker are moved to making a public statement then you know McLeish must be buggered. Let's hope he can do one final decent act and keep us in the league but I am struggling to see where we're getting points in the last few games. If we do get relegated then I don't think it's as financially disastrous as it once was, but only if we bounce back in the first season. We will find it easier to shift the dead wood, the youngsters will get a chance under hopefully a better manager who plays decent football. But hopefully we stay up and McLiesh goes anyway.
  22. I cannot see any circumstances in which he could possibly still be in charge ot the club beyond the last game of this season. Martinez will be our next manager.
  23. It should be a great final. I much prefer to watch this than another classico, as much as I enjoy watching Barca play. Still can't believe they contrived to lose, mind. Great performance by Chelsea.
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