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Everything posted by R.Bear

  1. **** off MON you overrated clearing in the woods. Nice to see Sunderland are playing the same impotent rubbish that we played for a lot of his time there. The difference is that Sunderland havent got the same star players that we had to carry us in spite of him. His signings have also been tremendous
  2. Funny scenes here http://www.readytogo.net/smb/forumdisplay.php?f=86
  3. YESSSSSSSSSS COME ON YOU VILLA BOYS!!!!!! Heroic defending. Benteke was awesome. Vlaar and Clark were superb. Guzan perfect as usual I LOVE YOU VILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLA
  4. Good team. Would have liked to have seen Zog over Weimann though.
  5. I bet Ron lies awake in his bed every night wondering what he was thinking by coming here. He is also probably scouring Birmingham looking for a Delorean to go back to the day he signed.
  6. Look at our midfield today... Holman - KEA - Delph - Albrighton Is that the worst midfield we have ever had? Holman - Good worker but isnt creative and doesnt score. KEA - Isnt creative and doesnt score. Delph - isnt creative and doesnt score. Cant take players on. Albrighton - Has been out of form for over a year. No wonder we arent scoring and Bent barely touches the ball. That midfield is probably the worst in the league.
  7. Its very hard to disagree with this tbh.
  8. R.Bear


    There is nothing to be positive about atm. This is the lowest eb we have ever sunk too in my 20 years of supporting us. The main reason for me is that two years ago we were in relegation trouble, but we knew our squad was much better than the results we were getting. Last year we nearly got relegated and had an horrendous manager and played the worst football I have seen us play. But this year we have a supposedly good manager and are still playing rubbish football and getting rubbish results. For reasons I cant explain, our good players are not performing. Gabby hasnt scored a PL goal in nearly a year, Albrighton has gone backwards, Zog hasnt shown us anything, Ireland isnt consistent enough and most of the new signings dont look great at all. Guzan is playing superbly, Vlaar and Benteke look good. Either way our team is abysmal, you look through the line-ups on matchdays and its embarassing. A mish-mash of Championship level players. I'm not going to wax lyrical about where were 3-4 years ago. Its irrelevant. We are here and it is now. What really concerns me is that there are 5-6 squads in this league than are weaker than ours and some of them are playing better and winning games. Lambert was getting Norwich to play way above their station last season, as have many other teams and many other managers. Three managers in a row for us have not been able to do this. What is wrong with our club? I have watched MOTD once this season. I couldnt give a shit about the other teams and seeing the goals anymore. This is what Villa being abysmal does to me. I watch our game, we usually lose and play terribly and thats it for the football for the weekend. Villa in the last 3 years have removed all the passion I have for this sport. It's even got so bad that relegation doesnt even scare me. It would almost be like putting us out of our misery. Will we get relegated? Probably not. However if we finish 17th so what? I just want to enjoy watching us play again. 3 wins in 28 makes me feel sick. Also, when did we last run out comfortable winners in a game? As in be 3-0 up with half an hour to go? The few wins we have had in the last couple of years always seem to be have a nervous last 10 minutes. Being a Villa fan eh?
  9. We cant keep this up, we have to have some sort of attacking threat.
  10. What positives can we take from that? This has been the worst 2 1/2 years I've experienced of being a Villa fan. Utterly depressing.
  11. Lovely from Gabs. With his baggy shirt, he looks like he did when he was a kid.
  12. I was thinking this. A game won with half hour to go. I cant even remember.
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