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Everything posted by R.Bear

  1. We shouldnt even be playing Given. We can win this comp and should play the strongest team possible.
  2. Rubbish again. Benteke would have murdered that defence is he had some service from crosses. He effortlessly buried the one he did get but was offside of course. But for Guzan, we would have lost that. Terrible second half performance. Our midfield was anonymous.
  3. How much has he regressed? It's sad to see. I said in the summer he is a championship player. That cross last night was one of the worst I have ever seen. Time, space, options and he does that. Goodness me. He has no future here. He has had a terrible 18 months.
  4. What I loved about him last night was that he went crazy every time he made a mis-pass or mis-control. You could see how disgusted with himself he was. He is so determined to win and score. That tackle towards the end was outstanding. His finishing needs work, he has gone for placement a few times this season when he needed to put his foot through it. It looks great when they go in but from that distance you have to hit it. Top header though for the goal.
  5. I have to admit that I must be seeing a different player to a lot of people. He has looked tidy and can pick a pass but has been ineffective in the final third and makes a lot of back passed and poor passes. He's got ability and I'm happy for him to be in the side but he hasnt really impressed me yet.
  6. He's a decent player but makes a worrying amount of mis-judgements at times. He makes silly tackles, gives away needless fouls and lacks composure. A solid defender but he worries me a little. He'll improve though.
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