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Everything posted by R.Bear

  1. R.Bear


    We wont need more than 40 points to stay up.
  2. R.Bear


    **** sake. Wigan 1-0 up.
  3. R.Bear


    Wigan will win tonight, sadly. They pull off silly results against good teams, let alone a team without their best player and on the beach.
  4. I have the programme from my first game. Boro home in November 1996. It is signed by Yorke, Southgate and Ehiogu
  5. R.Bear


    Just imagine if we had lost the last two games. We could have been 4 points adrift by the end of tonight!!
  6. R.Bear


    It will come down to the last day but it will be a huge freak to see us go down. Having said that I think we can beat Chelsea. Thank **** Gabby scored that otherwise it would be shit creek without a paddle.
  7. Remember how shit Bouma was in his first season? Or Downing, or Milner? Give the man time. A solid season and he will only get better.
  8. R.Bear


    But that will never happen. Three misfortunes, that's possible. Five misfortunes, there's an outside chance. But seven misfortunes? I'd like to see that!
  9. I was his biggest critic months ago but he has won me over. All action displays, running at defenders, skilful control. He has the lost. He doesn't score enough goals and his finishing/shooting is woeful but he's improving. Finally we are seeing what the fuss was about.
  10. Is he only on 20k? Wow they must pay peanuts in the Jupiler League.
  11. Oh yeah he had loads of talent, brilliant dribbler but seemingly like all tricky foreign stars that arrive at VP, he went to shit the second he arrived. It really is amazing how many proven, talented foreign players whose careers nosedive after transferring to us.
  12. Hadgi Kachloul Hadji was a superb player but was treated disgracefully. He was awesome at the start of 01-02 despite being continuously used from the bench. He scored a couple of goals including a screamer in the last minute against Varteks when we had another shocking elimination. He barely played in 02-03 because Taylor was an idiot. The strange thing about that was Taylor used to constantly praise Hadji on the radio during the previous season. Never understood why he didnt fancy him. We then shipped him out the following season. A complete waste of his talents. As for Kachloul, while he didnt pull up trees for us, he was free and after Gregory resigned, he wasnt fancied. Not really his fault. Taylor never liked creative midfielders and instead played cloggers like Leonhardsen and Kinsella. Curcic and Kinsella have to be the two centre mids because Curcic was a batshit mental shithouse who cost a lot of money. Kinsella was probably the least talented player ever to put on the Villa shirt.
  13. No way. He scored a few goals, two in the derby and we got John Carew for nothing in a straight swap. Balaban was the same price and contributed nothing.
  14. Came in his pants if he was anything like me!!
  15. R.Bear


    13th now with that Bale goal
  17. I am shaking here. Haven't shouted so loud for a goal in years.
  19. The good thing is there are plenty of other teams in the mix.
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