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Everything posted by Tayls

  1. Haha - I love how in that list you have got Scotish at the top then British. Last time i checked Scotland was part of Britain. Unless u mean English instead of British.... Just a thought.
  2. Dammmmn I'm excited about tomoz!!! Keep the games rolling, I hate waiting ages till we play!! Haha
  3. Oh my god - the General said my name. *screen shot and save* :-) Thanks for acknowledging my post, I understand that you must have a thousand things to respond to. Can you just clarify for us though please General - what was the huge problem that has plagued us? Furthermore, what can you tell us on the kit situation for next season? Ooo, one more thing, i got some bad news from my work on Friday,(naturally when they announce something bad it's done on a Friday at 4:30pm) don't have any jobs in recruitment going do you?!
  4. Team looks good- Heskey will hold the ball up as we havnt been doing to much of that lately, will also provide some added strength. Good to see you back on the wing again. Excited much...
  5. The mere fact that some of us actually see that as success for this season is evidence in itself of why he should be replaced This. Who do you think we are? West Brom? Wolves? Wigan? You think staying up with 5 games to go is some sort of success for our club? Look, at the moment it is how it is... We are down there with those teams, quite simply because we have been shit since we beat West Ham first game of the season. Various factors - not all Houllier before you go on. So you don't want is to win anymore games then by the sounds of things, so you can carry on being miserable and negative about everything. Quite clearly next season we will be fighting towards the top. Would that be good enough for you?
  6. I swear you were saying he should go before I was, after the wolves game... I wanted him gone. Who didnt? But then I got over it. Think he could be good in the long run, but for what we need now, still to be seen... If we beat west ham then it will be seen in my opinion because we will have premier league football next season with 5 games to go.
  7. Hi General, Hows tricks? After our win on Sunday against Newcastle, im confident we will go on and pick up a couple more wins atleast in the remaining fixtures. I have been saying this for a while, that i think its important that we beat the teams beginning with 'W' and we still have three of them to play, so im very confident we will be finishing the season well infact. Whats your thoughts on the season as a whole, and can you tell us anything about the direction of the club in terms of development, infrastructure etc etc...? Further, do you (inc. Randy) find yourselves ever indirectly competing against some of the other American owners in the league? With the takeover of Arsenal imminent, just wondering what your thoughts were on the other owners from the states, and if you could fill us in on any similarities between yourselves and them and what you have seen them do which you would look to implement at Villa. Appreciate you putting in the time to speak to fans. Up the Villa!!
  8. It seems that Downing has been on the scene for ages and has always been considered an excellent footballer. Johnson will most probably out score downing and does score some good goals, but his general football isn't so good. Downing is by far the better footballer. And he's ours so, happy days.
  10. Who's excited about Saturday?! I Ammmmmmmm Up the villa and all that...
  11. Hahaha... I know what you mean, but it's possible my gf will be coming out for some of the trip, probs the bit before the footy starts so to experience the Amazon and Christ the Redeemer etc. I guess when we get down to the partying and drinking with the lads that's when will need to have my wits about me. My main concerns though was the football violence, after watching real football factories and seeing other fans being shot at on the bus kinda scares me, as that is one of the only ways I can see us travelling from stadium to stadium. But then i think, would they really do that to tourists, I dunno, they do it to each other so why not? But then again, how can you NOT go to brazil for a world cup, will be epic!
  12. White lies - Strangers "iv got a sense of urgency, gotta make something happen" - perhaps some players should listen and Houllier
  13. Should we move this to the 'travel' section MODs?! Haha
  14. Ahh dude! That's not cool. Never invite me to your man nights. Come on, I want brazil info!
  15. A man night consists of beer, pizza, FIFA and COD!!! Really cannot argue with that.
  16. Hi all, Me and my buddy had a man night last night and we have agreed that we will definitely be going to the Brazilian world cup. He went to the world cup last year and I didnt, mainly because of my fear of going to Africa - I know a couple of people who have been and said it's the most amazing place which I'm sure it is if you travel around sensibly. I'm still a little bit of a girl though and do have some concerns about going to Brazil. Is anyone else going or has anyone been to Brazil before?! Can you share your experiences etc? Although we will be going to watch some football we do intend to 'travel' around the country, seeing the Amazon and as many cities as possible. Anybody got anything?
  17. i get the feeling if approached right then he would have a go, hes been the german international coach since 2006, he may decide to move on after doign that for a while, and hes only managed a few casual german clubs, so i dont think hes too big of a name to come....i have a dream yeah. i think he would do wanders for villa, dont know why people are choosing to clutch at fat sams leg handing him chicken legs to persuade him to save our club, when theres clearly better managers out there Ah, I wasn't sure if he had left his post with Germany or not. I doubt he would to join Villa in a relegation scrap. But could be a very good manager. That Germany side at the world cup was awesome and should have won it, played much better than Spain overall. I would take as next manager - Lowe Benitez Allardyce
  18. Because we're based in the second city. Why would you want to relocate? That's just silly.
  19. I would like Rafa too, he's a massive name and think the players would show some respect. I like the way he talks too. Brilliant.
  20. Yes he would, but, we're shit. Has he got a job at the mo?! @ kristien
  21. Yea **** it - let's bring in Ian Dowie or Chris Coleman or someone like that, or, let's go manager shopping down in league 2... Much better for us. Sod the big names in world football, league 2 is where we will get back to greatness from. Ffs
  22. Tayls

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