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Everything posted by Tayls

  1. When do we recon we will hear something, realistically... We thinking 2 weeks, maybe longer? Ancelotti has to be the number one choice and Laursen involved in the coaching would be perfect... Why isn't he anyway????
  2. The more I think about it, the more I really really really want us to land Ancelotti. Would be insane if we did. Not only is it a statement of intend, but, last season he won the double with Chelsea in his first year. Yes it was with Chelsea, but it's not easy to win the prem in your first year of a job in a different country. Especially with SAF and Wenger also fighting for it! He did well at chelsea - would be brilliant if we can pull it off.
  3. Yeaaa I would be slightly angry if we got Mclaren. Lost all respect and credibility when he did the impossible - and got England to not qualify for the Euros. Wtf was that about....
  4. Same. If Ancelotti isn't gonna come, I want to know soon so I can be put out of my misery. If he is gonna come to us, then hurry up. god, you lot are so impatient. its only been about 12 working hours since Houllier left the club. now its the weekend, people are BBQ'ing or chilling or spending time with family. Give them a couple of weeks at the very least, before getting impatient. I was Partly joking - not really that annoyed Though saying that I really want atleast a manager in ASAP - then I'm not that fussed on how long it takes to do some shopping. My expectations based on last summer, I'm not expecting a flurry of activity though I hope I'm very wrong. Benitez, Ancelotti, Hughes, Jol, Moyes please (no particular order there)
  5. Oh my goddd when is something gonna happen!!! So annoyed at looking at our news and seeing nothing new!
  6. Although Vamos Benitez!!! Please join instead of Martinez gracias por va vor!!
  7. Because Rafa Nadal is playing Murray in the semi finals of the French open.
  8. Let's bring in Martinez and maybe he can bring Rodallega with him.... Although Sir Alex Ferguson is considering our approach for his services and has just been seen on the Aston Expressway in a bat mobile... ITK.
  9. I wouldn't be happy with Mclaren - although I will support him if he is chosen. Same as anyone really. Apart from Robertino Martinez - If he was appointed I would first laugh then I would cry. Ancelotti Rijkaard Hughes Moyes Benitez Sir Alex Ferguson
  10. I can't help but feel a little bit sad. Was hoping he would at least play some sort of role. Never mind... Let's kick on. UTV!!!
  11. 1. As of 12pm tonight i believe? 2. How often do you see players sign over 4 year contracts? 3. See above 4. No, I don't think so. Wasn't it 3 and half?
  12. I meant stability for a season or two, We need a manager who will stay and build a team slowly again, It took City 2 years with a infinite of funding to make the Champions League. If you think we can make the CL next season or even the season after you are deluded with our finances it would take 3 or 4 seasons at least to make it. What season were spurs struggling and what season did they get champs league after Redknapp joined? I'm confident we have more to spend than them, and I would guess we have outspent them for a fair few years in a row.... Just a thought.
  13. Iv got to be honest and say that Hughes wouldn't be to bad if Houllier was to leave. Ok, the only downside is, he wouldn't be able to convince Young and Downing to stay, and Big names coming to us would be a no go. But, I think he could do just as good a job as MON, we would be solid. And we could finish 6th quite nicely I think with him. Who knows maybe another 5 year plan we could get into those champs league spots and then maybe some names would come in (in terms of players) - but it won't be instant. If we are to make the step up to champs league NOW we will need Ancelotti in charge. We could expect big names and maybe persuade our two wing wonders to remain. That's if we are going all out for champs league. A '**** it' approach if you will. That's my thoughts anyway.
  14. Hi General, Again, many thanks for posting on the site and interacting with the fans. It really is pretty darn cool. I am fully 100% behind what you guys are doing to continue to grow Aston Villa. There have been some pretty sucky posts of late, with people demanding answers on who will be playing at the club next season before they buy their season tickets, others demanding an announcement on what the situation is regarding Gerard, some saying that their is a lack of communication etc etc... It's been a horrid week or so after we beat Liverpool last day of the season and finished where we never thought we would a month ago... I must admit, I would have thought that acting fast was the key to ensuring success next season...but now I see why we need to make sure things are done properly... We need to do what is right for the club. What Gerard has done is reduce the wage bill, is blooding our Youth and implementing a more interesting style of play. Amongst other things I'm sure, but at the moment it's not anything that we as fans have visibility of?? I am going to support what ever decision is made by you guys. The rumours are out, at the moment everyone thinks that Houllier is off... Que the excitement of who will be in to replace him, what about the rest of the staff..etc etc.. I don't really have an opinion, like Randy and you I and just want us to be competing towards the top, and I know that you guys will do what it takes to ensure we get there, busting a gut day and night to ensure the fans are happy. Quite how some of the people who say they will not be coming to a game unless this and that happen is beyond me, if your a fan of Aston Villa, you go along and support the club no matter what!!! I also love the fact that we do not conduct our business through the press, it means that what ever does come from the club is usually pretty damn exciting. I am fed up now of reading crap that is spouted about what is going on behind the scenes, who we are selling and buying, it's so boring. But on the flip side, I get excited about transfer windows!! I have no doubt that the players that we have brought in have helped in some way, I know that we are now searching far and wide, admittedly MON signing only British based players ment that there wasn't much choice in terms of quality and other limitations... But still...They have represented Villa. Keep doing what your doing General, continue to make Villa grow... And we will do our bit. UTV
  15. Any Dutch manager if Houllier is not to stay. That's it really.
  16. ^^ This!!! Ok I havnt seen as much as you in my age but since i started to understand what football is all about in my early teens it's mainly been disappointment. 22 now, and still feel as though I'm being let down by the club who just let our best players leave. General - this needs to be sorted and fast. We have gone round full circle, The league is getting better, tougher, richer - we are going to be left behind. Note - I'm not complaint about the money being spent by Mr Lerner, it's the fact we are losing our talent and barely going anywhere!!
  17. Hi General - hope all is well? Can you clear up this mess for us - why is it that both Young and Downing want to move onto 'better things'? We might aswell not bother signing players because all we do is help them out in their careers, then sell them on in dodgy deals that don't benefit us at all. We are a bend over club in the premier league - whats the point?
  18. Houllier - DOF, Benitez - Manager, GMac - assistant or coach / whoever Rafa wants instead which will unfortunately mean GMac leaving. Im sure there is a role he can go in though somewhere. Wouldnt mind gmac staying tbh.
  19. Think he will go elsewhere. Good player though. But Young is better....
  20. Do people add each other on here? For Xbox etc etc?? - wouldnt mind some Villa buddies to play with havnt got any
  21. BAM!! Just won the CC with Villa - Beat Chelsea 1-0 King Carlos 87th Minute!! Played a relatively weak team as well...
  22. It doesn't matter who is our manager next season - just so long as he is Dutch or an inform Houllier.
  23. If Ancelotti became free it would be silly to not try. (if Houllier did leave) ... Would still prefer Cruyff! You never know he could be best buddies with Bouma and could be persuaded? I want Bouma back as well
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