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Everything posted by Tayls

  1. Ahhh yes, a loss to a very in form Tottenham at their place and people are showing signs that they are giving up already. Lambert out! etc etc..... We are playing much better than what we have been for the past 3 seasons. We are defensively poor at the moment but that is because it is pretty much a brand new back line. The players need to be given more time to gel, and they need to focus on becoming competent premier league players - again, this will be achieved with more time. Would people rather we brought Warnock and Hutton back into the line up? Players who everybody hated last season and constantly threw insults at them every weekend? I accepted right from the beginning that this season was going to be tough, and I also believe we have a very good chance of going down at the end of the season. But if we do go to down I would prefer to see us go down fighting rather than looking like a load of crap like we did last season under McLeish. If we go down, we will go together and come back up together too. I have decided to not get upset with football this year as it constantly ruins my weekends, so have decided to learn something new and I spend some time learning about American football and studying the rules, watching some games, and I am currently deciding on whether I should support a team or not. I don't quite know how I can go about this, but I guess taking a look at teams history and other things will help that. (I won't glory hunt either). I refuse to be brought down by football, there is so much more out there that I can get involved with - really, now, football is just a little footnote in my life.
  2. 250,000 - where on earth did you get that figure from?! You're about 69k short there as of the 2010 census. In some ways the break might be good...gives us more time to gel, work on what we are trying to do and an extra week to get the guys properly fit. In my opinion the West Ham game came too early!
  3. Just a small reminder to what is currently happening in the world at the moment the world Gaztonvilla - you have been a good honest poster and one who's posts have caught my interest in the time that I have been registered on the site. Not sure if it is your love for Villa or football in general that has disappeared? Im reading 'I Am The Secret Footballer' at the moment (it's **** amazing, please do read it) and he is touching on everything that sucks about football and it's players. There is more to life than football and I also refuse to base how I feel on a weekend thanks to a 90 minute football match. Footballers are generally a bunch of rocket polishers who couldn't give a toss about you and I, yet we are spending hundreds/thousands to help pay for said rocket polishers. Im going to be as fickle as I want to be going forward and if we start acting like a proper club and start to be run properly then i will start turning up. I aint spending a penny while we are playing people like Bannan in midfield expecting to turn over Everton.
  4. There is a little thing called defence which makes shots stoppable. Closing down can make sure of this! Get in, almost 6-0 again!
  5. On a more exciting positive note, I wonder if the time and effort spent o improving the match day programmes rather than the team has been a success?
  6. Why the **** is Bannan playing instead of Ireland?..
  7. Think we're gone this season so Lerner can live his dream of hopefully doing a Newcastle. Least we will have a good manager to help us through though. This team is shit and I am delighted I haven't paid to watch them in any way since we beat Norwich 3-2
  8. ......Who the hell is this guy? ^^^^ There is no room for sensible posting on this forum
  9. this will be the most exciting part of the transfer window
  10. WHY ARE WE SOOOOOOOOO F'ING BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I don't think people are moaning about Randy spending millions on players, but spending some to help improve the strength of the playing squad. We seem to be watching, waiting, (commiserating), while the teams around us improve. Nobody is going to buy our crap either. I said previously I don't think we are going to sign anymore players this window. As far as I am concerned the window is closed. Maybe we will be surprised later.
  12. I can't believe we had 64% possession yesterday in an away game. When was the last time we did that? The general consensus regarding our play yesterday was that we were playing lots of pretty football, with nothing in the final third. This got me thinking - in yesterday's game who is was our 'final third man'.... Bent. Now, with this style of play that we seem to have taken on, is Bent the right player for us? I only saw the last couple of minutes of the highlights on match choice yesterday so didn't see much action... I must say we didn't really play with much urgency as the match was drawing to a close. The stats showed that we had 13 shots yesterday, yet again I also heard people saying they don't actually think DB had a shot.... So where did all those shots come from? Ireland and Nzog? Maybe we need to take a look at that and decide what to do because if we do not have the right striker in the team, and with only Gabby and Weimann and maybe Delfouneso (though I think he should go on loan) we could actually be ****. Also, was it definitely the best decision to leave Hutton and Warnock out? They are dire and I want them to leave but, potentially could have been better than relying on a young Centre Back at Left back?
  13. I think we should have a bit of Sigur Ros in there somewhere...
  14. Hahahahhah. Yea, ok...Straight swap anyone? Jones for Bent and Hutton? BARGAIN! Some people talk garbage don't they.
  15. That proves naff all. Note how that is all under 1 manager when Randy was trying his luck at getting Champs league as soon as - or within the 4/5 year plan or whatever it was. What happened in MONs final window, what happened in McLeish's window? (summer windows).... I kinda get the feeling that our guys think we will be ok to go with what we have... We might be being left behind though. I will just have to respectfully disagree, I think in the past under various managers we have saved alot of our business until quite late in the window because honestly if you think about it, that makes sense. The earlier you approach a team in the window the more they will demand because there is the time to negotiate. However, if a team needs rid of a player or is up for listening to offers, then the buying teams do have a bit more leverage and can possibly get players on the cheap...i.e. look at the VDV deal for Spurs a few windows back Also, look back to MON's last full window at the club and we thought we might be done with a lot of our activity and all the spending was over. First game of the season, Wigan turned us over easily and it became clear we needed defensive reinforcements, and that is exactly what we went out and got in the remaining days. Now mind you, I hope West Ham does not turn us over like that day versus Wigan. Though, seriously people need to just chill the hell out. The window is still open. If you want to moan about a lack of activity wait until the window is closed. I havnt been moaning as much as some. I personally think we will be ok and could actually do quite well with these first few games. But, For MONs final window with us, we signed nobody. He left. We swapped Milner for Ireland, played Newcaste and lost 6-0. There was still time left in the window to buy and did we? Nope. We panic bought Bent and damn good job we did too. It's just all this seeing QPR, Southampton, Wigan, Fulham, Liverpool all buying to improve and we are faffing a bit.
  16. That proves naff all. Note how that is all under 1 manager when Randy was trying his luck at getting Champs league as soon as - or within the 4/5 year plan or whatever it was. What happened in MONs final window, what happened in McLeish's window? (summer windows).... I kinda get the feeling that our guys think we will be ok to go with what we have... We might be being left behind though.
  17. Season ain't started yet. I think the first game will be a bit of a sacrifice. If we Win, ok, we are off to a good start away from home, let's see what happens in the next game. Lose, the fans will go mental and start demanding more players which I think Randy will sanction. (draw counts as going onto the next game and seeing what the outcome is from that).
  18. I would jizz if we signed Kießling.... Fairly easy link though with Henke on board. Who's Villa_insider - reliable?
  19. ....is this one of those tumbleweed moments that occur from time to time?
  20. He will have 1 year left.....?
  21. When I was a kid, I loved the Hong Kong Phuey theme song. OMGGGG are we signing a Chinese player? OMG OMG OMG
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