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Everything posted by limpid

  1. I don't have it yet. If you don't like it, install a different camera app.
  2. limpid

    Windows 8

    Squarespace works on all operating systems
  3. I wonder why people eat plastic bread and criticise others for which bits of the plastic they eat.
  4. limpid

    Windows 8

    It's not. It's also not possible for you to use XP If you are locked to a particular piece of software, then you have to use a platform that that software runs on. Of course there is software for Linux which does everything Dreamweaver does, but it won't look and feel exactly the same.
  5. limpid

    Windows 8

    I'm not defending anything. I'm pointing out that your experience isn't typical. You seem to have started from a point of needing to emulate everything that XP does, rather than starting from a position of wanting to be able to use your computer. That appears to have influenced your choices and ultimately your experience. A live CD (or USB) or mint or ubuntu will show you that you do not need to use Windows. Using 2 year old distros (which include "everything") with expectations that they'll be just like XP is a path to disappointment. There are some reasonable skins which will look like XP, but that should be an aside, not a goal, otherwise you might as well stick with XP as nothing else will make you happy.
  6. You might want to check in the play store that you hadn't removed the automatic update tick on VT. It sounds like you were running an old version for whatever reason.
  7. There hasn't been a new version for a while. Do you have your apps set to automatically update?
  8. This is a thread for discussing tickets for this particular game. Please don't use it to discuss other things.
  9. limpid

    Windows 8

    So you picked one distro (one which I've never met a user of previously) and something went wrong? For most users, any of the common distros will not have these issues. Try mint, or ubuntu. The poster that started this just wanted something which wouldn't need him to launch three different browsers. Booting a live image will tell him if linux will do the job for him and if it doesn't, he's lost nothing but a little time. I'm not disputing that you may have had a bad experience, but it's not typical. The poster currently has a bad experience of Windows, which is more typical.
  10. Clearing the app data or the re-install?
  11. limpid

    Windows 8

    Linux was like that in 1996. It's not any more.
  12. Okay, it looks like it's your phone rather than the networks. Can you try resetting the app data (settings -> apps) and if that doesn't help, delete and re-install the app.
  13. limpid

    Windows 8

    Indeed. I've installed (or just supplied a cd of) Linux to people from school kids to pensioners, with a huge variety of computer literacy. The only difference between the Linux users and the Windows users is that the Linux users no longer need to ask me for help. YMMV, but don't just trot out nonsense like "you have to use the command line". You don't. From your example above (on the rare occasions you need something not in the 10,000s of standard packages). Control Panel Click install software Add source Paste in ppa:yannubuntu/reality-check (the software source) Select the software from the list Enjoy the system automatically updating all the software you have from a single interface A lot easier than finding and installing software from random websites, all of which update separately, with different interfaces. If you want to see what the next version of Windows will look like, install KDE. Of course, if you don't like it, there a wide variety of window managers available. Choice is good.
  14. It's working for me on both wifi and three. Are you in a position to try changing from one to the other? Which network are you using? Have you tried rebooting? If anyone else is getting the same, please answer the same questions. Thanks.
  15. Like Stevo says, which apps have you tried? I can't imagine a worse way to use texts, but I'm sure someone will have written one that can do this. (I can't imagine anyone using anything other than Hangouts though so I'm probably in the minority.)
  16. How does this correlate with when the academic year starts by country?
  17. limpid

    General Chat

    How else would you recognise the good stuff?
  18. I'm sure at least two of the reports I read said that some MS stuff was affected. Perhaps they were speculating. It's unlikely MS would have written their own TLS code, but it's probably forked from something BSD-like rather than OpenSSL due to the licencing.
  19. limpid

    Windows 8

    How so? Download linux onto a stick and the problem has gone away forever.
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