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Best anti virus to download?


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DNSchanger was pretty rampant on Macos. Don't believe the marketing.

. It wasn't a virus It was a Trojan, Isn't it the case that both Linux and Mac can, via the user being careless, install Trojans, not that there are many for either? And not that it's the thing the OP asked about. Not sure that it was rampant either. Having a mac at the time I read quite a lot of warnings about it. I think a very small percentage, less than 1% of mac users installed the thing.
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Having worked with some of the guys who had to equip an entire data centre so that they wouldn't drop a large number of people off the internet I can tell you that it was one of the most rampant pieces of malware ever. I was using "AV" in its Windows meaning which encompasses Trojans.

You are correct that such Trojans can affect Linux too, but the vulnerability was fixed in Linux before it gained any traction, Apple continued to deny it was a problem. Luckily all it did was insert different adverts into your web connections. It could have easily been feeding fake banking sites or even just the login frames of such sites.

In not making any case that Linux is invulnerable, just that it's quicker to install than Windows forensic software and that Macs are not s secure as the marketing would have you believe. If my Mac was used for more than being a door stop, I'd be looking for AV type software to watch for known vulnerabilities until Apple deign to fix them.

Ultimately you are correct though. It's a user problem. It's much less of a problem if they don't use Windows.

(Sorry if this is a bit rambling it's the longest post I've made with the app)

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