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The Randy Lerner thread


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I can't see how Lambert is getting 90% of the abuse and Lerner 10%. It's at least 30/70 in favour of Lerner in my opinion. He is destroying the club I love.

He dont coach this quality football we are watching into the players.

He sets restrictions which limit how good a player can be brought to the club to be coached.

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I can't see how Lambert is getting 90% of the abuse and Lerner 10%. It's at least 30/70 in favour of Lerner in my opinion. He is destroying the club I love.

He dont coach this quality football we are watching into the players.

You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear and he is the one making lambert buy the sows ears

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Since Martin O Neil went, Lerner has lost his love in villa. please sell up and for good we have no faith in you.

If O'neil spent the money more wisely instead of buying shite i.e Beye etc we would probably be in a better position. But obviously this is a argument for another thread/time!

If only the club had a plan, instead of throwing money at a cause, like Leeds.

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I can't see how Lambert is getting 90% of the abuse and Lerner 10%. It's at least 30/70 in favour of Lerner in my opinion. He is destroying the club I love.

He dont coach this quality football we are watching into the players.


You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear and he is the one making lambert buy the sows ears



A silk purse would be a Chelsea or Man U no one is expecting that. All players start from somewhere.  Ok these guys may not be the next Ashley Coles or Rooney's, but they are professional footballers who should be able to be Coached after more than a season to at least play some entertaining football. I,e Swansea. Lerner cannot control this.

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I can't see how Lambert is getting 90% of the abuse and Lerner 10%. It's at least 30/70 in favour of Lerner in my opinion. He is destroying the club I love.

He dont coach this quality football we are watching into the players.

You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear and he is the one making lambert buy the sows ears

A silk purse would be a Chelsea or Man U no one is expecting that. All players start from somewhere. Ok these guys may not be the next Ashley Coles or Rooney's, but they are professional footballers who should be able to be Coached after more than a season to at least play some entertaining football. I,e Swansea. Lerner cannot control this.

He controls the budget which means we can only attract this kind of player. Remember, Lambert wanted Lukaku, it was turned down because we couldn't compete with WEST BROM, that is what Lerner causes, we cannot compete with teams we should be ahead of financially. That is why we buy "Raggy Doll" players.

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I can't see how Lambert is getting 90% of the abuse and Lerner 10%. It's at least 30/70 in favour of Lerner in my opinion. He is destroying the club I love.

He dont coach this quality football we are watching into the players.

You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear and he is the one making lambert buy the sows ears

A silk purse would be a Chelsea or Man U no one is expecting that. All players start from somewhere. Ok these guys may not be the next Ashley Coles or Rooney's, but they are professional footballers who should be able to be Coached after more than a season to at least play some entertaining football. I,e Swansea. Lerner cannot control this.

No a silk purse would be a premiership standard player, not championship or league 1 type professionals.

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I can't see how Lambert is getting 90% of the abuse and Lerner 10%. It's at least 30/70 in favour of Lerner in my opinion. He is destroying the club I love.

He dont coach this quality football we are watching into the players.
You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear and he is the one making lambert buy the sows ears

A silk purse would be a Chelsea or Man U no one is expecting that. All players start from somewhere. Ok these guys may not be the next Ashley Coles or Rooney's, but they are professional footballers who should be able to be Coached after more than a season to at least play some entertaining football. I,e Swansea. Lerner cannot control this.

He controls the budget which means we can only attract this kind of player. Remember, Lambert wanted Lukaku, it was turned down because we couldn't compete with WEST BROM, that is what Lerner causes, we cannot compete with teams we should be ahead of financially. That is why we buy "Raggy Doll" players.



Comon, when Lambert bought these players he didnt see them as "raggy Doll" players. He saw them as players he could develop and make better. This has not happend, from last season they have gotten worst by all accounts. These guys can play football ive seen them beat Man City and Arsenal (I dont believe in lucky wins). But it seems now Lambert has reverted into boring tedious go for the draw (remember McLeish admitting this) football which no one wants. I remember his quote when he started here, that he was going to produce a team to be entertaining and with a winning mentality, Im not seeing that, are you??

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So it's just me not freaking out then?


Yep we definitely should have got more than 1 point from the last 15 but we haven't were still in an ok place in the league and were still clearing out the players not wanted.


Next to the speculation....


When we get to next summer we should be investing our 20m we seem to get each year to spend on less players suggesting they are of a better quality.


That's where I am, I can see where you're coming from but sod all is going to change so don't stress yourselves so much.

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So it's just me not freaking out then?


Yep we definitely should have got more than 1 point from the last 15 but we haven't were still in an ok place in the league and were still clearing out the players not wanted.


Next to the speculation....


When we get to next summer we should be investing our 20m we seem to get each year to spend on less players suggesting they are of a better quality.


That's where I am, I can see where you're coming from but sod all is going to change so don't stress yourselves so much.


£20 Million, you joking Lambert could get another 10 players for that much! They will be shit mind

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Foreveryoung your forgetting he's had to buy nearly an entire squad.


He didnt have to though, well not straight away anyhow. We had Bannan, Bent, Ireland (ok maybe not), NZog, Delfonso, Lijchi all could do a job as good as what he has bought. He should have bought 1 or 2 cheapies then added a bit of quality.

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Foreveryoung your forgetting he's had to buy nearly an entire squad.


He didnt have to though, well not straight away anyhow. We had Bannan, Bent, Ireland (ok maybe not), NZog, Delfonso, Lijchi all could do a job as good as what he has bought. He should have bought 1 or 2 cheapies then added a bit of quality.



All could do a job, even though they hadn't shown they could have. Incredible how these players are now seen as good enough when at the time they weren't. A good stick to beat with I guess.

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Foreveryoung your forgetting he's had to buy nearly an entire squad.

He didnt have to though, well not straight away anyhow. We had Bannan, Bent, Ireland (ok maybe not), NZog, Delfonso, Lijchi all could do a job as good as what he has bought. He should have bought 1 or 2 cheapies then added a bit of quality.

All could do a job, even though they hadn't shown they could have. Incredible how these players are now seen as good enough when at the time they weren't. A good stick to beat with I guess.

Seen a few posts mentioning Lijchi and how good he is. This is the same player who had to be taken off against Chelsea 8 niler last season because he was that bad

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Foreveryoung your forgetting he's had to buy nearly an entire squad.

He didnt have to though, well not straight away anyhow. We had Bannan, Bent, Ireland (ok maybe not), NZog, Delfonso, Lijchi all could do a job as good as what he has bought. He should have bought 1 or 2 cheapies then added a bit of quality.


All could do a job, even though they hadn't shown they could have. Incredible how these players are now seen as good enough when at the time they weren't. A good stick to beat with I guess.


Seen a few posts mentioning Lijchi and how good he is. This is the same player who had to be taken off against Chelsea 8 niler last season because he was that bad



Yep, I remember a player who lacked pace, got turned easily and when he did get forward it was usually in the warm up pre-match. He had a good long throw though.

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Bent needs to play in a two upfront and needs wing play

Fonz - Don't make me laugh he makes Bowrey look good.

Bannan - Has never played well for us.

Ireland - Waste of space on every level.

N'Zogbia - Been injured forever never done it for us in the last however many years


Living in cloud cookoo land.


I don't like how things are but I understand how it came to this and how it is being fixed hence why I'm not flapping over it.

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