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Gym Routine


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personally im trying to push it but the chance of injury I take it is quite high

There's a balance and once your form is good you'll be fine. My injury for example was nothing to do with form. It was gravity trying to pull my arms off :)
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Your doing that 5x5 strong lifts thingy

I am, but the theory is the same across the board wrt strength training. You'll only get stronger by pushing to limit and gradually increasing that limit.
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I'd highly recommend it. Only 5 different compound lifts (you can add your own isolations to pad out the workout if you want). Start light to learn proper form and increase by only 2.5kg per visit every time you successfully complete a (5*5) lift. You hardly even realise the amount you're getting stronger by until you say 'holy cow look what I can lift now'. And yes, you 'see' quite amazing gains too. The most important part is starting light though (nowhere near your max) and absolutely learning proper form so that by the time you get near your max, the form is second nature. Cuz when the weight goes up, there's little room for error in a compound.

The best bit is that because you're succeeding and progressing through the weights systematically, you're hugely motivated to keep going.

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Push yourself, but don't break your form.


The key is progress. Assuming you're building muscle (and not cutting) you should be making progress every session.


And BOF speaks the truth, Stronglifts is an excellent programme, especially for beginners. Or Starting strength.

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Typical day for me is:


6:30am (Breakfast)


150g Porridge with hot milk and a scoop of whey protein

1 large mug of tea with milk


9:30 am



2 slices Ham


12:30 (Lunch)

large chicken breast 

100g brown pasta

about 50g of broccoli (I don't weigh it, but it's not much because I have it cold and cold broccoli is minging)



Small tub of Activia yoghurt

handful of raisins

small amount of mixed nuts


(I'd have a protein shake, 2 scoops, after my workout in here somewhere)


7:30/8:00 (Dinner)

2 chicken breasts

one sweet potato cut into chips





Large Orange

spoonful cottage cheese



Calories: c2,700

It's about 250g Protein, 30g fat and the rest carbs, from memory (that might be slightly out)



That's when I'm cutting (so now). If I was bulking there'd be an extra chicken breast with lunch and a couple of rounds of hard boiled egg and peanut butter sandwiches (surprisingly nice) thrown in there as well as a couple more handfuls of peanuts.


Dinner varies between the chicken and sweet potato, steak, omelette (with bacon and mushroom) and bologneise. But days I workout I usually go with the chicken meal. 

Edited by Stevo985
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Calorie-wise I'm around the 1,500 mark but that's because I'm not trying to build mass.


How do you track your calories?  Do you have an app on your phone or do you just roughly calculate it going on the back of the packet and stuff?

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Back of the packet and websites. My breakfast and lunch never really changes, so I know that once my dinner is around the 800 calorie mark I'm OK for the day.

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Typical day for me is:


6:30am (Breakfast)


150g Porridge with hot milk and a scoop of whey protein

1 large mug of tea with milk


9:30 am



2 slices Ham


12:30 (Lunch)

large chicken breast 

100g brown pasta

about 50g of broccoli (I don't weigh it, but it's not much because I have it cold and cold broccoli is minging)



Small tub of Activia yoghurt

handful of raisins

small amount of mixed nuts


(I'd have a protein shake, 2 scoops, after my workout in here somewhere)


7:30/8:00 (Dinner)

2 chicken breasts

one sweet potato cut into chips





Large Orange

spoonful cottage cheese



Calories: c2,700

It's about 250g Protein, 30g fat and the rest carbs, from memory (that might be slightly out)



That's when I'm cutting (so now). If I was bulking there'd be an extra chicken breast with lunch and a couple of rounds of hard boiled egg and peanut butter sandwiches (surprisingly nice) thrown in there.


Dinner varies between the chicken and sweet potato, steak, omelette (with bacon and mushroom) and bologneise. But days I workout I usually go with the chicken meal. 


Thats cool, is made me wonder if I'm just not eating enough.  I'll do a typical day for me in a sec.


I see you've only included for one cup of coffee?  I take it you don't drink much in the way of hot drinks?  I have 9 or 10 cups of tea a day!


you are also having lots more protein shakes than me too.  I do one scoop of shake in 250ml (I think, basically about a third of my shaker!) of water after my workout.

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Typical day for me is:


6:30am (Breakfast)


150g Porridge with hot milk and a scoop of whey protein

1 large mug of tea with milk


9:30 am



2 slices Ham


12:30 (Lunch)

large chicken breast 

100g brown pasta

about 50g of broccoli (I don't weigh it, but it's not much because I have it cold and cold broccoli is minging)



Small tub of Activia yoghurt

handful of raisins

small amount of mixed nuts


(I'd have a protein shake, 2 scoops, after my workout in here somewhere)


7:30/8:00 (Dinner)

2 chicken breasts

one sweet potato cut into chips





Large Orange

spoonful cottage cheese



Calories: c2,700

It's about 250g Protein, 30g fat and the rest carbs, from memory (that might be slightly out)



That's when I'm cutting (so now). If I was bulking there'd be an extra chicken breast with lunch and a couple of rounds of hard boiled egg and peanut butter sandwiches (surprisingly nice) thrown in there.


Dinner varies between the chicken and sweet potato, steak, omelette (with bacon and mushroom) and bologneise. But days I workout I usually go with the chicken meal. 


Thats cool, is made me wonder if I'm just not eating enough.  I'll do a typical day for me in a sec.


I see you've only included for one cup of coffee?  I take it you don't drink much in the way of hot drinks?  I have 9 or 10 cups of tea a day!


you are also having lots more protein shakes than me too.  I do one scoop of shake in 250ml (I think, basically about a third of my shaker!) of water after my workout.


Yeah i don't drink many hot drinks during the day. I might have a cup of tea or two at night but there's not really any calories worth including in those so I don't bother counting them.

Throughout the day I try and limit myself to water.


Protein shakes don't really matter. It's your total protein intake that matters. Shakes should be used to supplement your intake (hence them being called a supplement).

I'd rather eat a couple of chicken breasts after my workout than have a shake but it's too expensive/time consuming to do it that way. Shakes are just convenient.


Oh and I only have a scoop in my porridge for flavour. Otherwise I'd use sugar and that's a no no, especially when I'm cutting! But again, I take that into account for my total protein intake for the day.

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My day;


7:00am - Protein shake (1 scoop)


9:30am - 1 sachet of porridge & a handful of sultanas


13:00 - Chicken salad - (i.e - a few bits of precooked chicken tikka chicken from Aldi, table spoon of sweetcorn, 1.5 table spoons of chopped mixed peppers, four sugar snap peas, half a grated carrot and three chopped cherry tomatoes). A 125g yogurt, a packet of crisps of some sort finished with a banana)


15:00 - an orange


18:00 - dinner - this can really can be anything!  from pork hash, to pork spag bol, pork chilli, chicken fajitas, chicken curry (only use fat free yogurt so not too bad) chicken stew (have you noticed I only eat chicken and pork meatwise?!)


spread out throughout the day;

10 cups of tea

5 pints of squash

2 glasses of water


absolutely no idea caloriewise what that is to be honest.


exercisewise - mon/wed/frid - 5x5 stronglifts

mon night - 5 a side football

Edited by bcarpet
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Doesn't sound too bad to be honest. Depends on your dinner really, that's where a lot of your calories are going to come from.


I think it's worth working out your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and spending some time working out your calories that you're eating.


Small tweaks to your diet can do a lot, depending on your goals.

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You do 5 aside footy after a workout. You're not squatting enough :P


I'm following the stronglifts programme and my legs are a fairly strong part of my body so I'm probably not at my highest point I could be squatting.  I'm doing 75kg at the moment.   And to be fair, I didn't say how much running I did whilst at five a side :P

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