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Takeover parts 1 & 2


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And he ends by saying

It's not as bad now, but the passiviity of fans is worrying. When I suggested in the summer a new pressure group was needed because the Trust and VFC are inert, the suggestion was poo pooed. Yet where are they in all the current speculation? Waiting silently on events.

If there are any fans out there who want to do more than wait for the Russians,,, the South Americans... Ray Ranson,,, the Irish... A.N.OTHER to step in and do the business, now is the time to stand up and be counter. Or just wait for Santa Claus.

Trevor Fisher.

He seems to have an agenda there

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Who the feck are Villa Matters?

Honestly i know 100% support is pushing it but is the Post & Mail going out of its way to find disquiet, ive never heard of Villa Matters and surely the majority view would be held by sites such as this, H & V, Holteenders and main fanzine H & V as well as Jon Fears organisation who are wholly positive in there support. One has to ask if the Post and Mail have taken a decision or being influenced by a someone to smear our american friend

You have to wonder if friend Padfield isn't attempting to pull a few strings behind the scenes to influence shareholders against Lerner.

A search on Google for Villa Matters didn't produce anything related to a Fanzine of that name, so does it really exist, except of course to stir the s**t. :roll:

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He seems to have an agenda there

And people accused Mr Fear of being self promoting??? Good jaysus...

Only a certain type of person did that.

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Some things regarding Mr Fisher.

Villatrust and Fisher

Quote Trevor Fisher "whatever vfc aims to do, and their objectives and finance are not models of open government, they have shown that they themselves are at best superficial in their grasp of what is happening at the highest levels of aston villa. to concentrate solely on doug ellis and blindly call for his removal is to miss the point altogether"

Above quote found here

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