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Ho hum

BC is just around the corner and now that I have the honour for the High Warlords Razor as an offhand to my High Warlords Cleaver with Don Julios Band and Death Guards Cloak - I really have nothing else to do.

Guess I'll farm for a bit and maybe get an enchant or 2.....

.... since all I have is +40 to armour on 4 items.

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If any of you lot fancy a Vanguard beta key, hotfoot it over to Eurogamer.net as they are distributing them on a first come, first serve basis for the EU beta. Just create an account there to provide an email address and sign up for the beta via the links provided in the news article over there.

Be quick though as there are only 10,000 keys and the site was getting hammered.

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That. Is. Awesome!

No, not the dot reduction, the blue post directly after a white one.

The shaman boards (US) have blue posts too...

... the last one was 15 pages ago and it said "Yes, we do read and post on these boards".

And that is not a joke.


Anyhoo, if Warlocks are getting a nerf then surely huntards are due for one!

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I won't have CLOS in a weeks time.

Come on Dan, you know how redundant that argument is....three words;

Level. Sixty. Six.

Banter aside, to be serious for a moment, I think Blizzard need to re-evaluate their current approach to the game concerning most classes. The current over-emphasis on PvP is destroying balance left, right and center.

The amount of IWIN mechanics being introduced into the game is removing any challenge whatsoever in certian circumstances and rendering other circumstances impossible to defeat or overcome.

PvP is becoming a black and white affair because of poorly designed abilities, be they underpowered or overpowered. I just hope that the increase in levels smooths everything out so that by 70, its all hunky dorey.

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In other news, I managed to grab a Vanguard beta key and I'm downloading the client as I type. If any of the rest of you registered but can't see the key in your inbox, check the spam folder as a lot of them are getting picked up and dumped there by anti-spam sofware for some reason.

If you still want a key, you missed the boat as they had all gone by 6.00pm on the 8th.

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The Warlock nerf is an absolutely massive one.

Back to being a class who is a shit version of a Mage again then? Im not sure whether im overdoing it when i state its an absolute class destroying mechanic, but i think it is.

I cant use affliction in 5 mans now, and ill probably not really be able to use it in full on raids either. So spec shadowbolt spam, be out of mana in 40 seconds, lifetap like **** to piss the healers off and find out that im contributing less than the mage or hunter who is standing next door to me?

This patch has been a bad thing. It was never intended to be in place as TBC was always supposed to be released sometime in November/December. All we have had since is a strange time where people have been spending ten times as long in battlegrounds as they usually would. When we come through the other side and actually go back to the game we all want to play the tree that actually makes Locks different from being just another nuker (and not a very good one at that) is actually nerfed to the point where it is worse than it was pre 2.01? Its a lame duck tree again.

Its even more crazy when you think of the big nerfs Locks got in the patch so called "equivalent" abilities remain unchanged.

1] Affliction: entire tree **** over. Dots were doing too much damage? Well, the best DOT in the game (shadow word: pain) remains unaffected. It has higher base, lasts longer, scales better with gear, with talents has a 100% chance to make you more vunrable to magic *up to 20% more if the priest goes full shadow*, has a very good chance to stun you, and goes through the roof should a priest switch into shadowform.

Everything about it is better than corruption. Everything. Yet corruption gets an almighty nerf.

2] Demonology: Soul Link. Nerfed from 30% to 20%. Not so long ago it was 50%. Im not a soul link taker, i dont like the playstyle of the tree really, its all to slow, you dont have any range and even farting has a cast time, but its a big nerf for the people who did take it.

3] Destruction: Soul Fire. Again, compared to a Mages Pyroblast why is it nerfed? They both have the same cast time yet Pyroblast gets a whopping 71% more from gear than Soul Fire does. And Pyro has no cooldown, no reagent cost, a very nastsy DOT on the end of it and can be made into an instant cast?

This feels like a real kick in the balls.

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The Warlock nerf is an absolutely massive one.

This patch has been a bad thing. It was never intended to be in place as TBC was always supposed to be released sometime in November/December. All we have had since is a strange time where people have been spending ten times as long in battlegrounds as they usually would. When we come through the other side and actually go back to the game we all want to play the tree that actually makes Locks different from being just another nuker (and not a very good one at that) is actually nerfed to the point where it is worse than it was pre 2.01? Its a lame duck tree again.

Its even more crazy when you think of the big nerfs Locks got in the patch so called "equivalent" abilities remain unchanged.

This feels like a real kick in the balls.

I know how you feel.

Shammies are screwed when pallys can be rolled on horde side. They are better tanks, have better buffs, are equivalent if not better healers and can now match our DPS. Throw in a couple of CC's and who needs shammies?

Much like Warlocks and Mages, methinks.

As for the balance thing - my hope is that at level 70 it all evens out.....

... cause its hunters, warlocks and pallies at the top of the tree by a long way at the moment.

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As for the balance thing - my hope is that at level 70 it all evens out.....

... cause its hunters, warlocks and pallies at the top of the tree by a long way at the moment.

Didn't you hear? Locks got massively nerfed!

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I won't have CLOS in a weeks time.

Come on Dan, you know how redundant that argument is....three words;

Level. Sixty. Six.

Then whine when I hit 66, until then, locks will be owning rogues despite the nerf, lets see how it balances out shall we, isn't that what you've always said? Don't whine until level 70?

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