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and yes Nays, the site does need tidying up. Theres 2 "General" sections, a "Raids, Tactics, pvp" section, a "Raids and Tactics" section and "Raidschedule and Bookings" section. Theres parts of the forum no-one has posted in for months, out of date stickies and announcements etc etc etc. Someone needs to say something to shack without offending him! The site can be simplified for sure.

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You know that Saurfang guy who stands by the catapult or by Onyxias head at the front of Orgrimmar? Level 61 elite Orc Warrior, with the biggest baddest axe on the game?

Rogue and Gnomish Mind Control Cap fun

Apparently he can use Execute on anyone at any time and doesht have to wait until they are below 20%. Some poor guy was on the wrong end of a 19,000 crit!

Blizz made him immune to charm because of this. Why? Its fantastic!

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I fulfilled one of my ambitions since the last patch last night, we did the 45 minute Baron. What a buzz it was doing it with 2 mins to spare. It requires perfect pulls, overlapping pulls, drinking in combat, no afks and complete focus for 45 minutes. Very rewarding though :nod:

Twas indeed most superb, one of the highlights of the game for me so far.

We absolutely kicked ass, although I feared the worst when Gael died at the Baron. To have a good couple of minutes outside drinking up, and then finishing with more than a minute to spare was truly, truly brilliant.

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Well, i was impressed with the AQ20 tonight. We should focus on Ossirian i think. He is definatley killable with a good group. Its just a shitter that we cleared on the night the instance resets so we cant have a crack at a cleared instance tomorrow.

Ossirian Tactics

Staff that i would sell my Granny for that he drops..

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ZOMG, the cavalry just arrived in the 3am migration.

Paralol Evololtion (Gurok, Orix inc.)




and more.

Seems we stole all DWs alliance and they decided to come after all.

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Noticed that Loltrollftw has changed his name and joined Bank Alt and Forum Troll!

And Tarq, the Dashers make people apply. Just go here sound like a nice guy and mention the word Dr00d.

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Yeah I slung him an invite.

Tarq, let the Dashers know that you're a future investment.

Limpid, Viskahn apologises for last night, he was drunk and didn't really have a clue what he was doing.

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Viskahn completely pissed me off last night. I really was not impressed.

AQ20 was a good though. I kept trying to point out that we have to run (anti-)clockwise but I guess my mic wasn't working (or no-one could hear me over that pigging music). Sure enough the link nays posted says the same thing :-D

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Viskahn completely pissed me off last night. I really was not impressed.

He is a student, and he was drunk. What did you expect? ;)

Visk used to do my nut in as well when i first joined the Dashers, i think i had him on permanant mute on Vent. When i got to know him a bit better i realised that he is acutually a really nice guy.

He does have a point about Dan needing to L2P though :D

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Raids are on hold until migration is sorted, though Gaiana seems to want to lead one.

Read Raids and Tactics not Raidschedule and Bookings

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Looks like a stirring for Onyxia/ Molten Core..

Still really want two drops out of the core.. Felheart Pants which will give a really really nice 5/8 bonus. And some kind of weapon. Either the Staff of Dominace or the Mageblade which i lost out on with a 650dkp bid last time!

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I dont know if you have ever seen me and Ygg discussing about healing in the Gchat, but we have had discussions quite often about overhealing, and wether priests or druids are the main healers.

We even dispell, which ive yet to see a druid do.

Then for a couple of days ago, i mentioned his overhealing again to him, and he got totally pissed off. No **** way that he overhealed according to himself. And yes, that i even mentioned it made me a noob.

Thats why i love how Augir keeps an eye on overhealing in raids... from AQ last night... that is a massive overheal stat!


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Overhealing is deemed quite bad in the Priest world then is it? I must say, I love it when Im on half health and get 1k, 2k, 1.8k, 1.5k heals all at once, it makes me feel special.

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