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lol how much fun wont we have takin the piss out of this new system. Im on late tonight. Wanna do an instance? And when they ask us to help out in bwl whatever, we just say... eehem, i cant. Doing DM west with Omegas

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It just seems so unorganised. They're basically hoping that 32 people are all going to turn up on time, and that another 8 people of the required class will be on too in the vague hope of being asked!

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Yeah thats the thing. IMO they have chosen people not only out of raid attendence, but also after gear. So when they are short on 8 people in any raid, ( as ofc. they will be. Since they havent filled up any raids until now, why should it change?) they will expect people to beg for a spot ?

Jesus i hope they ask for my help tonight, and il tell i have absolutely no interest helping them. This is just another reason for me to respec shadow.

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Jesus i hope they ask for my help tonight, and il tell i have absolutely no interest helping them. This is just another reason for me to respec shadow.

Do it Tarj. I respecced away from Mana Tide (resto) weeks ago, and nobody's noticed! You want 900 mana, drink a pot! There's no way I'm gimping myself for the odd chance of a spot. So glad I spent loads of time and money getting my FR up!

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Its a tiny bit difference between respeccing as shaman and respeccing as priest. I go from beeing jesus himself to becoming quite the oposite.

Btw. check out saturday and the ZG sign up. How many Alphas do you see?

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Its a tiny bit difference between respeccing as shaman and respeccing as priest. I go from beeing jesus himself to becoming quite the oposite.

Yeah I know Tarj, but the principal's the same. You're asked to play the good back up spec, at the expense of the really good fun one. Trust me, speccing Mana Tide makes a HUGE difference to me, at least 500ish in shock crits alone.

Basically, this whole Alpha/Omega situation has come about because a few tards like Nomall and Xai have whined on the forums. The way they pussy foot about that word removed Xai just because he does uber damage makes me wince.

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Still, last night with Dan was surprisingly fun.

I did enjoy playing l57 sheep to slaughter whilst the l60 loladin moves in. Only to find a stealthed rogue behind him!

Arn't allies so predictible. The old gets them every time. And for leather wearer, Dan kicks surprisingly hard arse.

I can't keep up in damage terms, and the constant need for drinks breaks becomes tedious as he's steaming into mob number 47 ! But still, the xp meter was moving up nicely last night! cheers!

Isnt ally kicking much more fun than attacking mobs. We ought do it more often.....

Chillwind or Southshore toniht anyone?

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Too right Juju. I just keep seeming to miss you lot being online. I did a BRD run with a few Dashers last night, and got a great fist weapon that I'm going to skill up for a laugh, and some uber FR mail wristguards that I may as well get sharded!

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I ditched mining and took up (dis)enchanting as my "other" profession from engineering.

I sharded all the blue shit i had in my bank that i just dont wear any more (including my magister and devout shoulders, which i never wore) plus some random cheap and nasty blue crap i found on the AH for pennies.

Made about 40g out of it.

I know Sie used to solo scarlet monastry and shard the blues for easy gold.

I might try the same.

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^^A level 1 enchanter can (dis)enchant can't he?

BTW Ju, I loved the trick, it worked a treat, I'm just pissed off that the next time I met him, having gotten him down to 5% health about 6 times, the bastard **** me over when my wifi keyboard batteries (that had been dodgy all night) finally died.

BTW guys, put "Unarmoured" (loladin.....lol) on your KOS. I was happily grinding away when he ganked me when on low hp, and I saw him try it on others too. If the allies want to make Silithus a battleground, then so it shall be!

Maybe see you tonight in Silithus Julian, I appreciate the heals, it meant no downtime whatsoever!


Please all create alts and take them to Orgrimmar, and join Nayson's alt guild. Make sure you get a tabard, and make sure you die outside the AH before logging. 6 corpses there at the moment, we need more!

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Daft question for you all. Do you have bits of kit that you ought to have outgrown, but can't bear to leave behind? My main weapon is the Heavens Light mace, a 1h hits for just over 30 dps. But it was my first blue item I bought, seemed a huge cost, over 2/3 of my savings at l 40. And it gives me + stats for almost everything. I still can't see anything much 1h thats very much better at the ah, and I just cannot bear ot part with it.

The other one is the belt I picked up adventuring with you lot. The "Vereks Leash". Its just I have yet to see anyone else with one, despite inspecting all the shammies in their high 50's in the guild I come across. And when you win your first significant blue item (neck doesnt count really?) its means something, especiallyif you remember when you picked it up and who with.

You got a favourite item?

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It took me ages to part with my Woven Ivy Necklace, and Mason's Fraternity Ring (from ZF/Hinterlands qs!). The fact is they were so good they can last well into endgame. But then I got a couple of epics, and got rid of them purely because they cramped my style :( My Neck is now a pvp First Sergeant one, and the ring I use is more of a warrior ring, but it owns none the less.




Gz guys on downing Razor, I told you he was easy!

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You can (dis)enchant anything when your enchanting skill is at just 1.

I was gonna do my Soul Harvester but i have as irrational a bond to it as Juju does to his mace.

Id wanted it since it was implemented into the game in the 1.7 patch (i started playing in 1.6) and getting to level 50 just to get on the quest so i could win it was a big deal for me.

So, it will forever live in my bank i think. Especially as its a BoP quest reward, and there would be no way of getting another one ever again with this character.

Anyway: Razorgore Tamed! Sweetness :D


BWL is a step up though, isnt it? Vael, he who heals us for 5000 in the Rend fight has a bit of a turn, and takes a 40 man raid out in just a few seconds. Still, 5 days until Instance Reset..

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How did the whole "ALFA" thing go anyway? Judging by the fact Tarj was there I'm guessing that you just have to be online and if they need you then you'll get an invite?

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Don't have much that's very old now, probably the oldest is something like the six demon bag trinket. I've still got the ZF mallet in the bank too.

Can I take up enchanting with my L1 bank alt, and just mail them stuff to disenchant?

And yep Dan, while Nays and Tarj were downing Razorgore, I was skilling up my fist weapon in RFC! It's ace when windfury kicks in with it, I look like Clubber lang on speed!

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I actually wrote in the raid channel and whispered a chief to get some understanding of the squads...no reply.

Tbh i find it a lot of crap. They have sorted out the best geared players to make raids easier etc. and when they cant fill it up they expect the slackers etc to come. Shack actually said this was a great "core raid" = alpha, due to people beeing focused and not going afk etc.

Still would they have downed him without help of the rest of the guild? No ofc. and every raid run ive done in this guild, its the people in the alpha squad that goes afk. The fact that he calls the rest of us slackers pisses me off.

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Don't have much that's very old now, probably the oldest is something like the six demon bag trinket. I've still got the ZF mallet in the bank too.

Can I take up enchanting with my L1 bank alt, and just mail them stuff to disenchant?

Doh! The whole point of Disenchanting is making BOP Stuff sellable at the AH. If its BOP, you can't trade with an enchanter nor mail it to an alt. If its BOE, then you're likely to make more selling it at AH then you would getting it DE'd.

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Please all create alts and take them to Orgrimmar, and join Nayson's alt guild. Make sure you get a tabard, and make sure you die outside the AH before logging. 6 corpses there at the moment, we need more!

Heh heh...

On the Khazgoroth server, we have 2 dead gnomes sitting in the doorway of the AH in org.

Their names? "Welcometothe" and "Avctionhouse"


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