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Blimey, first anniversary and a 6 month old kid already.

Nayson, I take it your attempts to attune the lads last night while I was in a state of depression over a TV programme, was unsuccessful?

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Last night was all a bit of a disaster. I hope I didn't cause you too many wipes, although I think at least 2 (probably 3) were down to me pulling stuff that the rest of you wouldn't have. You'll just have to send me an invoice for your armour repairs.

I must admit, I'm considering cancelling the sub. I like the game solo, and do like the chummy socialability of banter with you chaps in game, but I think that my complete lack of experience in instances was certainly telling on you lot, who bless you, are less likely to have a go than any pug. I wasn't really finding the pressure of being responsible to others, and being the sole cause of 3 of the wipes, much fun to be honest, and if thats the future of the game from l60, I think I might get to 60 then leave.

I think what got to me was that I was completely unable to read the game. With the tank shouting "dont heal", then apparently performing the same manoever and expecting healing, along with a few really stupid moments like my premature ankhing, just made it hard work really.

Or I could just start another character and redo all those instances I missed the first time round... ....

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We had a tank who just kept running off doing stuff and not explaining what he was doing.

Or running off on his own in random directions and not telling anybody where he had gone.

Then he aggroed the entire bar somehow without telling anybody how he did it.

10 elites standing on a door and refusing to move? Game over.

He was a good tank, dont get me wrong, but not communicating with the rest of the group who really didnt have a clue what he was up to isnt the best thing.

And Juju? I wiped an entire 40 man raid within 2 minutes of getting into Blackwing Lair the first time i went in.

Last nights run wasnt bad at all. We got lost inside Blackrock Depths, which really is a maze. Dont worry about that.

You were always going to pull adds first, simply because of your level, but i thought you did well in there.

Its all about experience. At level 60, you just have to learn your role in a group. That "dont heal" shit confused everybody. If someone states something specific like that, giving a reason why is probably a good idea too. Our warrior didnt.

Learning instances is like that too. I mean, ask Dan, Tarj and Riss. How many times did we come out of Dire Maul North with our tails between our legs?

Everyone causes wipes. I dont think there is a player on the game who hasnt caused a wipe. Even Rogues and Hunters with their stupid "extra lives" that they get. Gits.

Dunno how close to Leigionnaire ill get next week and my lovely trousers and PvP robe that for some reason is a lot better than the Warlocks blue PvE robe, Dreadmist (with its dirty spirit stats) and not really far behind the tier 0.5 one either.

Still, handing out a few kickings like this will help :)


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Juju, I thought you did really well mate! A couple of times when I was close to being OOM, I noticed you made life saving heals. Don't worry about wipes and such, we all do it when we go into instances for the first time. You're still quite low level for the end game instances, so you'll automatically agro more mobs than the rest of us, as your agro radius is far higher. Anyway, it was the tank who pulled all the spectators in the arena as he moved away from the wall, so even experienced L60's do it.

It's all about learning though mate, and the fact that you're thinking about shows you'll be a good end game player.

You won't often get 2 shammies in a 5 man party, so normally your role will be a lot easier, as we won't have to work out which totems to drop.

Normally if you're the lone shammy, you'll ALWAYS drop Strength of Earth and Mana Spring. Always, always, always, so make sure you have the top rank of these. Strength of earth for the meleers, and mana for the casters.

Then for the air totems, it's either windfury or Grace of Air (+agi). Rogues dont usually like WF as it overrides their poison, so if there's a rogue in your party, ask first, but +agi helps everybody (inclusing the tank) as it improves armor and chance to dodge an attack.

And usually I'd advise against ankhing in a battle, as you res with a tiny amount of health and mana, and usually die again very quickly. Then if nobody is soulstoned (ie the Lock forgets........) it can be a long run back. If you can see a wipe coming, save your ankh, and try and die in a safe area away from mobs. But again, we've all done it, so don't worry.

Normally you'll just be expected to back up heal, and attack what you can, when you can, and drop the right totems.

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Then if nobody is soulstoned (ie the Lock forgets........) it can be a long run back

Lies! You're forgetting I have Jumper Cables, and I successfully ressed Nayson the other day, then healed him! Nerf me!

Also I wanna hear about how Nayson caused a BWL wipe.

BTW, it sounds like you pulled the Arena spectators AND the pissheads in the Tavern. Doh! Who was your Tank, what level/guild was he?

Juju.... soon you will learn the secret of totemz.....*looks around* *lowers voice*.............they don't do anything.

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Just to reinforce what Nayson said Juju, I thought you were a better group player than the tank last night. He was a good tank (ie good gear, and good at holding agro) but in terms of team play I found him hard to play with. OK he was the only non English player, but he just kept wandering about not saying what he was doing.

Don't quit, just do as many runs as you can with the rest of the VTers. I'm not bothered about wipes particularly, although permaskint Tarj might get a bit cross! You're already better than a lot of L60's I've seen recently. I've been in some woeful PUGS so just refuse to even attenpt them any more. Get your mistakes out of the way now, then when it come to LBRS/UBRS, Scholo and Strat etc, you'll be an expert.

When I hit L60, apart from a few Sunken Temple runs I'd hardly done an instance since ZF. I've been in Maraudon once, and Uldaman twice. Luckily, Dan and Tarj had dinged 60 a way before me, so I benefitted from them knowing the ropes, now you can do the same.

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Lies! You're forgetting I have Jumper Cables, and I successfully ressed Nayson the other day, then healed him! Nerf me!

Also I wanna hear about how Nayson caused a BWL wipe.

BTW, it sounds like you pulled the Arena spectators AND the pissheads in the Tavern. Doh! Who was your Tank, what level/guild was he?

Juju.... soon you will learn the secret of totemz.....*looks around* *lowers voice*.............they don't do anything.

The tank was Sakrilegium, a fairly well kitted out Dashers tank.

And as for your totems comment, /spit!

Totems rock!!!

Windfury - **** ace. An extra hit with masses more attack power, got to love that!

Earthbind - try doing Razorgore without it! Annoys the **** out of allies in Gadget.

Strength of Earth - +67 strength, better than any buff I can name!

Tranquil air - I can clearing in the woods people in Gadget and the guards don't see it!

Fire Nova totem - 500 damage AOE, not bad at all!

Remove poison - rather handy for the bugs in AQ20.

Magma totem - knocks one trick pony Rogues out of stealth!

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I did my last run with Sak, he seemed to know what he was doing, although it was the other Warrior that led the way. He did like attacking mobs when the squishes were still trying to get their girly blue bars up, but I'm all for that, its **** boring waiting on you tarts.

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permaskint Tarj

He does have a nice cape though.

Anyway. BWL wipe.

Shack assigns the corners. Im in the North Corner. Ok. Got that. North Corner. ****, its a long way away, isnt it?

Tactics come next. Ok, we dont hit the dragons. Leave them to the Hunters. Try to target the mages. Curse of Tongues on them? Ok. That will do. What about the Legionnaires? Try and stay out of their way and let warriors kite them? Ok. Got that too. This sounds complicated. I was in the North Corner, right? Ok. Good. Avoid the Dragons. Curse and Kill the Mages. Dont aggro the Leigionnaires. All this from the North Corner. Ok. Im happy with that.

Shack: "Starting positions please"

I run to the North corner. He didnt mean North Corner. He meant starting positions for the pull. Still, im happily half way across the floor now. Everyone is making their way to the pulling point.

The orb guy who we havent killed yet sees me. Scripted event starts. Everyone is confused. We wipe.

Dont you just love first attempts?

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I did my last run with Sak, he seemed to know what he was doing, although it was the other Warrior that led the way. He did like attacking mobs when the squishes were still trying to get their girly blue bars up, but I'm all for that, its **** boring waiting on you tarts.

Nearly as boring as healing you squishie bastards! Jesus, get a **** shield! :winkold:

And now in the aid of completeness, totems part 2, the absolutely **** useless ones, most of which I've never used, let alone have on my toobar:

Windwall totem: creates a wall of air reducing damage taken by arrows by 32. Wow. I can see when that'll come in handy!

Stoneskin totem: Reduces melee damage taken by 27. Quite handy levelling up. Now that the average elite clearings in the woods you for 500 a shot at least, a bit defunct.

Stoneclaw totem: Summons a Stoneclaw Totem with 390 health at the feet of the caster for 15 seconds that taunts creatures within 8 yards to attack it. I have honestly never used this totem. Not once.

Flametongue totem: Summons a Flametongue Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The totem enchants all party members' main-hand weapons with fire if they are within 20 yards. Each hit causes 0.1 to 0.2 additional Fire damage. w00t! That just **** sucks. Overides poisons and windfury too. Pointless.

Sentry totem: Used to be good when the exploit let you fall without dying. Now they've fixed it, completely useless!

And so many of our talent points can be spent improving these dud totems, which is why we've been crying for a revamp.

Still, i'd rather drop Stoneclaw Totem over and over than waste mana healing Dan!


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Shack: "Starting positions please"

I run to the North corner. He didnt mean North Corner. He meant starting positions for the pull. Still, im happily half way across the floor now. Everyone is making their way to the pulling point.

The orb guy who we havent killed yet sees me. Scripted event starts. Everyone is confused. We wipe.

Dont you just love first attempts?

That's brilliant! Comedy gold!

I bet you're the direct cause of the last 5 Dasher quitters and Xai's "Slacker" rantings on the forum!

Well my first time in there the other night was almost as bad. Got locked out, then took 5 minutes to realise that my group was in their corner while I was still on the starting ramp! Then I forgot to refresh Earthbind, and took my eye off my warrior who died as a result. :winkold:

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Stoneskin totem: Reduces melee damage taken by 27. Quite handy levelling up. Now that the average elite clearings in the woods you for 500 a shot at least, a bit defunct.

500? Try wearing cloth mate. You can call it 1500 a hit!

Stoneskin sounds a lot like our useless Curse of Weakness. Which means Damage caused by the target is reduced by 31 for 2 min. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target.

31! Thats handy, isnt it? And if thats on, it means that none of the other good curses can be used. There is only one situation where i can think that this totem/curse would be useful. And thats in PvP against bloodyfuckinghunters pet cats, who dont hit all that hard, but its the attack speed that means the damage really does add up quickly (and trebles any casting times) so this can mitigate it somewhat.

I still think damage reducing things like the Curse of Weakness or Stoneskin totems should stack on being hit though. Even a five time stack would be fairly useless, but a nice token guesture, wouldnt it?

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Juju admitted to not having paid for Grace of Air totem last night. Tut tut, and he only had rank 2 windfury too. Nice to get proper water off Limpid for a change though! (Needs to have a big supply ready made though!)

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Shack: "Starting positions please"

I run to the North corner. He didnt mean North Corner. He meant starting positions for the pull. Still, im happily half way across the floor now. Everyone is making their way to the pulling point.

The orb guy who we havent killed yet sees me. Scripted event starts. Everyone is confused. We wipe.

Dont you just love first attempts?

That's brilliant! Comedy gold!

I bet you're the direct cause of the last 5 Dasher quitters and Xai's "Slacker" rantings on the forum!

Well my first time in there the other night was almost as bad. Got locked out, then took 5 minutes to realise that my group was in their corner while I was still on the starting ramp! Then I forgot to refresh Earthbind, and took my eye off my warrior who died as a result. :winkold:

I think its about time I pointed out again that Razorgore is easy, easy I tells ya! ;)

That Blurbo left the guild BTW

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Yeah, he /gquit in a hissy fit yesterday after people in Molten Core were taking the piss out of him that he couldnt join.

Talk about throwing toys of pram.

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Yeah, he /gquit in a hissy fit yesterday after people in Molten Core were taking the piss out of him that he couldnt join.

Talk about throwing toys of pram.

I was in a couple of groups with him before I even joined the Dashers, and he was a tosser then. Nothing I've seen from him since has changed that view.

What exactly did he say when he left?

How come we were in MC, thought that was knocked on the head until Razorgore was down?

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One question. When I'm stood at the back doing all the dps for you slackers, am I doing the right thing if I try and draw aggro from a mob who gets to the healers?

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One question. When I'm stood at the back doing all the dps for you slackers, am I doing the right thing if I try and draw aggro from a mob who gets to the healers?

Depends on the circumstances, but I'd say no, that's not your job really. Doing that is going to end in your death pretty quickly, and if I see a healer drawing agro, then I'll wade in sharpish and help out anyway. If the mob is low on health you can help finish it off, but there are others who can do that better.

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