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So the Dashers have stopped doing Onyxia and MC until they down Razorgore, after that up himself twunt Nomall had a hissy fit on the Dashers' website.

So far this week I must have played for about one hour in total, and haven't missed it a jot.

This weekend will be the last!

Cliffjumping ftw! :winkold:

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It's hard Tarj. I absolutely loved levelling up with you and Dan, it's the most fun I've ever had in a game. I've just been offered a job in the Isle of Man, and need to get back on with my exams and life in general. I don't want to delete my account, but if I stop, I can't see me picking it back up in 6 months time when the expansion comes out.

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Yeah sure Craig, only ever went into Uldaman once! Must try and see everything that I never got round to when levelling up, eg the Razor Fen (on the left, Kraul or Downs, I forget!) Uldaman and Gnomeregan.

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Gnomereagan is ace. The final bossfight is fanstastic fun.

The only instances ive never done are AQ40 (though ive been inside) BWL and the Deadmines, which is like the Alliance Wailing Caverns.

Me and Sam did the Stockades, which is in Stormwind and like the Alliance Ragefire Chasm a couple of weeks back.

Anyway: Mods of the week.

After 1.10 killed my old class viewer (so you can tell what class anything you target is at a glance) i found this one which works, and is better. It even extends to mobs so you can at a glance tell what Crowd Controls will/wont work on them. You should probably be able to figure out this by now, but i always find it handy in Mass PvP when im looking for Mages to kill :P

and a 1.10 mountequip (mine stopped working after patchday)

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My guild have a bit of a BWL obsession, but its because theyre so good at MC, they want a new challenge, but you can't stop doing MC, you need to keep farming it so your guild gets better gear so you can compete in there. I think we're killing Ragnaros tonight, and I'm am the highest placed rogue on the DKP list that doesn't have the tier 2 pants that he always drops! If he doesn't drop them, come Onyxia next week I'll be able to claim the tier 2 cap.

Epix FTW

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Basically the Dashers had a shit MC run last week, where they kept wiping on mobs other than bosses. Some dick who I really can't stand called Nomall starts a message about him leaving if people don't stop "slacking" and all of a sudden, MC and Ony runs are binned.

Good thinking....

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The first 2 bosses in BWL are do-able with blues, on Razor you need good organisation and kiting. On Vael he starts at 30% and you need a good tank to hold aggro. With the right tactics the Broodlord is manageable too. For the next few bosses you need to have shitloads of stamina if youre melee, loads of FR and epix coming out of your arse. Theres no reason your lot can't farm the first few bosses like Century, and build up your gear to then progress into the bosses only PE, SoD and Mist can down.

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It just seems daft taking away the possibility of people improving their gear in MC and Onyxia, then sticking to BWL because of wipes in MC....weird.

Too many jumped up tossers in Dashers. It's supposed to be the "casual" guild but it's still got its fair share of people who think they're CEO of IBM.

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Yeah, Blurbo's probably my least favourite Dasher, after Nomall.

I really can't stand humourless, up themself, self important twunts like that.

It's a **** game, and when it stops being fun dude, and you're having a coronary because you just died (that's died in GAME, and NOT real life!) then you reaallllly need to get out more!

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Wand and DoTs= nice damage with low mana use!

Its my main way of grinding. Nice when you have got your own big blue tank who wont lose aggro :)

Anyway, will anyone be on when i get home from London? 01:30 (uk time, not server time)

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