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Quick question for you all (think i can guess who will say what but just humour me).

Did you prefer

a) 1-60?

B) or 60 and beyond?

i liked questing with you guys more, so 1-60 was fun. But i prefer my Warlock at level 60 with good gear. So its a close one. Im saying 60, but i miss you and sie an awful lot.

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Thats brilliant, sums up exactly what UBRS is like! Good to see its the same for everyone. However, I really enjoy it when we have a kick ass group (usually when all the decent guilds aren't doing BWL etc) and theres no nubs in the group. Speaking of which, don't group with Ikails, he is a rogue that enjoys pulling, he needs just as much healing as the tank, and is a complete dickhead. He even wanted to ninja SC Chest yesterday if it had have dropped, by claiming he didn't have it, even though he did! Why would you **** a rogue to have 2 chest pieces? For a 5G disenchant?

Oh, and he pulled the Beast when we weren't ready. Yes, you heard right, a rogue pulled the Beast.

Speaking of ninjorz, Nayson is a Drakki blood ninja....Ninjorz!!!!11

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- the wipe at the beast because people refuse to clear the mobs outside (that they have to kill later anyway) and someone gets feared into them.


Oh and:

- the wipe at the beast because people refuse to clear the mobs outside (that they have to kill later anyway) and someone gets feared into them.

- the wipe at the beast because people refuse to clear the mobs outside (that they have to kill later anyway) and someone gets feared into them.

- the wipe at the beast because people refuse to clear the mobs outside (that they have to kill later anyway) and someone gets feared into them.

- the wipe at the beast because people refuse to clear the mobs outside (that they have to kill later anyway) and someone gets feared into them.

- the wipe at the beast because people refuse to clear the mobs outside (that they have to kill later anyway) and someone gets feared into them.

- the wipe at the beast because people refuse to clear the mobs outside (that they have to kill later anyway) and someone gets feared into them.

- the wipe at the beast because people refuse to clear the mobs outside (that they have to kill later anyway) and someone gets feared into them.

- the wipe at the beast because people refuse to clear the mobs outside (that they have to kill later anyway) and someone gets feared into them.

- the wipe at the beast because people refuse to clear the mobs outside (that they have to kill later anyway) and someone gets feared into them.

- the wipe at the beast because people refuse to clear the mobs outside (that they have to kill later anyway) and someone gets feared into them.

- the wipe at the beast because people refuse to clear the mobs outside (that they have to kill later anyway) and someone gets feared into them.

- the wipe at the beast because people refuse to clear the mobs outside (that they have to kill later anyway) and someone gets feared into them.

- the wipe at the beast because people refuse to clear the mobs outside (that they have to kill later anyway) and someone gets feared into them.

- the wipe at the beast because people refuse to clear the mobs outside (that they have to kill later anyway) and someone gets feared into them.

- the wipe at the beast because people refuse to clear the mobs outside (that they have to kill later anyway) and someone gets feared into them.

- the wipe at the beast because people refuse to clear the mobs outside (that they have to kill later anyway) and someone gets feared into them.

Have i made my point yet? :roll:

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Oh, and he pulled the Beast when we weren't ready. Yes, you heard right, a rogue pulled the Beast.

"But i used stealth!!"

Yep, Level 500+ worldbosses or whatever they are can see Rogues standing two inches from them. Even if they have 5 points in Master of Deception.

And im pleading ignorance on the blood. *cough*

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I totally agree, in fact, I often pull them myself if the clearings in the woods don't listen, but you don't have to clear the whole room, you might as well, but rest assured if you try, someone will get impatient and pull the Beast, then you are ****.

Oh, and in answer to your question Si, Linen Cloth and 50c quest rewards? No thanks, never again, thats why I don't do alts, and never will. I've paid my dues, and I love being 60.

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The thing i dont get about the room before the beast:

You have to kill all the stuff in it anyway. Why not do it before the bossfight?

Anyway, im off my soapbox now.

World of Warcraft is the only thing stopping me spunking a small fortune on an Xbox 360 and half a dozen games to go with it!

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I take it the blood Drakki drops is the last bit for Onyxia chain? Does it only drop one item then, and I take it it can't be master looted. When I get that far then I'm just going to ninja it and plead stupidity!

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2-4, (usually 2) if 3 people need you roll. It doesn't come up as group loot nor can it be master looted, you just collect it, or ninja it. Happens every time.

Then Ninja it I will, and then I'll be finished with Mr Draki, having won the Elements chest off him already! Will just need brilliant chromatic scales (I won the carapace before I knew what it was for! :winkold: ) which means I can get mysteriously disconnected after Rend every time!

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Mist Recruitment Open | 2/16/2006 7:40:14 PM GMTST

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We are currently looking for the following classes;

1 x Warrior

1 x Druid

1 x Shaman

1 x Warlock

If you are interested in joining, then please refer to the following section of our forum :



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Had a great UBRS run, some fun players and we managed it without a single Priest which was satisfying. Risso got a bit of grief but apart from that it was one of the best runs in a while.

Also, I had to laugh at this message the other day in the orgri general channel:

"errrr.....Has anyone noticed the Paladin fishing in the Valley of Honor?"

It made me chuckle as i was passing and there was a wave of Horde heading that way, so as he was cheekily minding his own business, we wtfpwned his ass. Have you noticed that by every Ally in horde territory theres a Horde saying "don't hit him"....he then called us nubs and said "20 on 1, thats fair!....STFU he deserved everything he got! How did he even get there anyway? and what cheek to stand there ninjoring Horde fish like that!

Rant over

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hahaha. just had one of the best fights ever.

I was talking to Dan while i was sitting on my horse in Stranglethorn Vale, when i got Ambushed. Turned around to see a level 45 rogue trying to stunlock me while i was on my horse. I couldnt fight back until he had taken probably 2000 health off me, but when i did i deathcoiled his arse, seduced him, and was just about to **** him over when i got moonfired. The word removed was with a level 45 Druid too. Managed to fear the druid, but the druid had managed to heal the rogue who had started stunlocking me again while i was turned around. I managed a re seduce and nuke and was going in for the kill when there was a heal > moonfire. Dropped Dots on Rogue, turned around to fear druid again. The bastards had got me. While i had a level advantage over me, the constant heals from the Druid mean the Rogue can just keep coming at me, and if i try to kill the Druid the Rogue can just constantly interupt my casts and stun the shit out of me. Fear and Seduce are on diminishing returns, and i only have so much mana and id lost about half my health from the original ambush and stuff while i was trapped on my horse. Then a **** warrior came along too! I was ****.

Or so i thought. ;)

Decided to put my succubus on melee duty on the rogue. I knew the dots would kill him if i could stop the **** druid healing him. Re applied. Re feared the Druid. Noticed i was down to about 500 health. Rogue died. I just hit the warrior with a big fuckoff shadowbolt, dots, and ran like ****. Managed to put a big enough gap between myself and the alliance to break combat, mounted up, did a /lol and ran off into the sunset. Had about 300 health left.

Got around the corner, made a healthstone, had a manna biscuit, re summoned succubus, drank so i was back to fighting fit. Ran back to where the fight was, hopefully i could get that **** warrior. He wasnt there.

The Druid who i had forgotton about was there. He had also just resurrected the Rogue who was back too. And its a hell of a lot easier for me the second time. Seduce Rogue. Rogue has to watch me 2 shot the Druid while he is seduced. Then turn back round. Rogue gets both barrels too. A quick /flex and im up and mounted and away. Just as a level 60 Ally rogue comes around the corner. Thankfully Epic Mounts are nearly twice as fast as non epics.

for the horde!

(oh, and sorry for not replying to your messages Dan, i was kinda busy!)

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Priests have two solid builds going for them, they are of course the best healers in the game; but they are also a strong PvP contender in shadow form. Leveling a priest is a slow ordeal however, and you'll have pretty much only one role in any instance: healing. A good priest, like a good master tank, will make or break your instance runs; and while gear isn't quite as important on a priest as it is on a tank, you'll definitely want to get some +healing pieces and/or a decent mana pool.

Now you know :lol:

Anyway, cant see what epic mounts can do for you in battle. If somebody wants to fight me, i do it anyway. You cant mount in combat. And running away from fights is just the way of a coward.

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Epic mounts are amazing Tarj. Ganked loads of allies since having it. It's so much easier now. Before if one was on a horse, I'd frost shock them to slow them down, then pray that I'd be able to knock them off before FS wore off. If I couldn't, chances are they'd get away, or I'd be in for a long chase, trying to repeat the practise. I once chased a pally all the way from Ratchet to thousand needles before I killed him! Now if they run away, it breaks combat and I just saddle up the old epic, chase them down in under a second, and batter the **** out of them.

An epic mount is the best ganking equipment there is!

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And i had a group for DM East last night, but when we all took the bat down the rogue couldnt find the instance or the bat because he had bought his character on ebay :shock: SO we kicked him and did DM east the 4 of us.

Best run ive had there. 1 warrior, 1 shammies, 1 hunter and me. The shammy was from surge, the other one from precious and warrior Askstrand was from pdx, and he did suprisingly enough his stuff well.

We did all the bosses but at the final boss we managed to aggro a big **** tree elemental in the middle of a fight. The tank croaked, so the shammy did the tanking until he made the major mistake of going away from healing sight. This is really where you need spirit tbh. Did have **** all of mana, and between each flash heal i was tapping my fingers waiting for mana regen.

Then i got pwnd by the tree, when we almost had him finished, and only the hunter survived :x Off course the shammy had forgotten ankhs, but we just had a ghost sprint and did the boss quite easy.

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Epic mounts are amazing Tarj. Ganked loads of allies since having it. It's so much easier now. Before if one was on a horse, I'd frost shock them to slow them down, then pray that I'd be able to knock them off before FS wore off. If I couldn't, chances are they'd get away, or I'd be in for a long chase, trying to repeat the practise. I once chased a pally all the way from Ratchet to thousand needles before I killed him! Now if they run away, it breaks combat and I just saddle up the old epic, chase them down in under a second, and batter the **** out of them.

An epic mount is the best ganking equipment there is!

Cant see it tbh. If you wanna gank allies, charge a town or go BG.

If someone rides by you just dot the shit out of him and mind flay...oh that might not work or you though :mrgreen:

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