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Just found out new Shammy abilities in AQ.

We get:

Rank 10 Healing Wave (Woot! Never ever use rank 1 to 9, other than occasionally after a battle, it's **** shit, too slow, and is interrupted all the time)

Grace of Air totem rank 3 (current rank adds +67 agi, not sure what this will)

Strength of Earth totem. Again, an upgrade to the +str effect.

Great. Too much to ask that we can do any more damage at all?

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"I can't believe I did ZF and I didn't get my carrot. Guess I'll have to try again tomorrow!"


Nays, that red line below the health/mana bars etc, what is that? Agro?

Nope, its my party members target, and the health of said target.

From that screenie, i can tell you are all targeting the Hydra, and he is almost ****. I was killing adds at that point, as you can tell from my (recently deceased) target.

If we are all targeting the same thing, then i get a *your target* message underneath each party members name. Very handy for instances when we are about to take down elites after a sheep/sap. I can make sure i dont have the crowd controlled target in my sights, which is sometimes tricky when you are standing 30 yards from the fight looking through a crowd of players at the baddies.

Incidently, with this interface (Discord unit frames) you can also target a party members target my middle clicking his picture. Makes up for how ugly it looks, i can tell you.

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Did you get the carrot last night as well Nays? You know for turning in Gahrzilla's sca....?!

If you did I imagine you're the fastest thing in Azeroth that isn't a Zeppelin! I want my epic mount soooonnnnn!

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Wow, you can see very clearly that I was tanking Gazrilla due the the evasion buff thats present.

BTW, we're doing ZF again tonight. Limpid didn't get his carrot.

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I did get my carrot.

I now have:

Epic Mount

Carrot on a Stick

Mithril Spurs

Riding Enchant on gloves.

I have to watch out for Gatsos mind.

And as for ZF, if Limpid or Sam want to go in to farm the Witchdoctor guy for his Vexing Cane i dont mind helping out. With a couple of level 60s on board, we can get down to him in minutes. In fact, we might even be able to three man it down to him in a lot less time, because we can just walk past people and not pull aggro, then summon the lowbies up to the boss before we kill him. Any thoughts?

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I think Sam and Limpid need to go back in there without us. ZF is a fantastic instance at that level I reckon, and needs to be done properly without higher ranks making it too easy. It's the same for us doing 15 man raids instead of 5 man, and I reckon it's important to practise instances at that level ready for end game. I'll help with farming for objects though, obviously.

Had that irritating bug last night where it wasn't showing Sam's true health state. Happened in Scholo the other night as well, pain in the arse.

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Must be one shit healer

Why's that then?

He was great actually. Everytime I've done a 15 man UBRS there've been at least 2 healers, and we've always wiped at least once.

He was L58 and did a great job, assisted by yours truly. The group we were in wasn't even that great. Too mnay people not letting the tank build up agro and the like, a healer's nightmare, surely.

Ah i havent seen this. If he gets "outhealed" by a shammy, who (claims) he doesnt overheal, and actually draws aggro and does some tanking aswell..

then he is shit.

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Ah i havent seen this. If he gets "outhealed" by a shammy, who (claims) he doesnt overheal, and actually draws aggro and does some tanking aswell..

then he is shit.

What on earth are you talking about? I never said I "outhealed him" at all I said I did as much healing as him, ie spent as much time healing. I've no idea what the stats were as nobody had damage/healer meters, and I don't like them anyway. As for drawing aggro, well what priest doesn't at some point? And as for tanking, where the bloody hell does it say that?

And I don't overheal. In discussion with the priest, he looked after the group with the MT and the second group, I looked after the third group, other than when it was obvious somebody was down to nearly dead, or the priest was OOM, then you do what is necessary.

I've played with worse priests, put it that way.

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I've been reading up on Nefarion, (you've seen him and fought his bitch Rend in UBRS) the final boss in BWL. Christ on a bike. It takes a 40 man guild with FULL EPICS and weeks and weeks of planning in order to kill this guy. When he's down to about 20% health, he turns into a Dragon with full HP and resses ALL the adds nearby. The depth to this game is incredible, the amount of time playing the game that you would need to have to down a boss like that just doesn't bear thinking.

anyway, heres a grab:

Nefarian Dead

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The only guild on our whole server anywhere near killing him is the Horde guild, Mist. Pheonix and Pariah and a couple of Ally guilds nailed him before they **** off to a different server in the migratuion. One guy stayed on Deathwing, and he is running around with that Shadow Focus staff that Nefarion drops.

And to think Dan, AQ is about to open. Final boss: Harder than Nefarion.

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^^Good point. BTW Risso I have a Tank (Nayson's mate) and a Resto Dr00d who both need Wyrmy, I'm sure I can find a Mage which leaves a shammy spot if you're interested. I won't even bother asking Nyson as we got him Omokk and Voone yesterday, now he's onto Rend (not Test of Skulls yet Sir!) I doubt he'll be going back there.

And someone answer my Thottbot questions on the last page!

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No idea on the Thot question sorry Dan. I don't about the new Rogue abilities either, I just saw a posting on the Shammy forums about ours.

I'll be up for LBRS as I still need Urokk as he drops Elements boots. If you're doing Wyrmy first it's not out of the way, as it's just after the (sodding) spiders.

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Sure, I'll give him a try.....Elemental Waist dropped in LBRS yesterday, as with all Waists it was BOE, if I'd won the greed roll you could have had them, though you should already have them, as well as the Gloves and Bracers, as they're also BOE and pop up in the AH all the time....

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Yeah I've had the bracers and belt for a while, bought them in AH. I got the chest piece in UBRS at the weekend too. I'm pretty sure the gloves are BoP though, as they drop off Pyro in UBRS>

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You just said it was easier than UBRS!

There are two instances in AQ.

There is a 40 man raid (Temple of AQ) where the tier 3 epics (MC is tier 1, BWL is tier 2) will drop.

There is a 20 man raid (Ruins of AQ) which, and im only going by what ive read, is supposed to be reasonably easy. Blizzard were getting concerned that there was no way for most people to get into guilds who can farm epics, so they want an area where pickup groups and casual players can get stuff that is better than the things that drop in Scholo/Strat/Dire Maul. This is also why ZG got nerfed yesterday, apparently. Im not sure how true all of this is, but it makes perfect sense, doesnt it?

Anyway: When KoS lists are used on Horde players.


I think this one was a utter, utter, utter rocket polisher in Scholo once.

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I've never had a problem with him, think I've done a couple of runs with him. And wheres the clock on your interface? I use the WOW clock instead of my watch, in fact I think my body has adjusted to WOW time!

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