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Like those Rogues in Orgrimmar who were stealthed on Xmas Eve. Decided to walk past a Felhunter, who can see stealthed Rogues/Druids/Night Elves.

Staying stealthed even though people can see them would have been in their interest, because there are moves that a Rogue can only do if he is in Stealth. Ambush being the most obvious example.

And as for Shots going through walls, lets just accept that they are poweful shots! Just pretend its Freddy Bouma taking them.

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What Dan means is that stealth for a rogue serves two purposes.

The first if the obvious one in that we can't be seen.

The second is that stealth for us is like shadow form for priests or stances for warriors etc - we can only do certain moves and openers when stealthed.

As for Hunter's Mark, just to clarify if some here didn't know, not only does it plonk an arrow on your head and make you visible and targetable, it also makes you show up on the Hunter's minimap.

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two posts at 9:12 saying the same thing?

Great Minds Eh?

Anyway. Remember Gamons big day out? Well, Horde Warlocks come good again, and this time have taken Hogger (youd probably have to have played Ally to appreciate who he is) all the way to Undercity.


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Im thinking of taking Gamon somewhere. I think i could get him to Azshara, or Thunder Bluff easily, but surely there has to be somewhere more interesting than that?

Edit: Re Hunters Mark

Ok, out of interest, how many ways can these be removed?

I know that if you kill the Hunter, the mark goes, but how many other ways are there?

Warlocks can definately remove them. Well, any Warlock who is level 30 or above can. Costs a shard, because its the Felhunter that does the trick, and he can remove a debuff off any friendly target, or a buff off any hostile target, once every 8 seconds. Doing either heals him. (and just to go off on a tangent for the sake of it, Locks pets are like a Rogues stealth, Warriors Stance, Priests Shadowform, in that they allow the Lock to do different things, and they are not like a Hunters pet, who is a seperate entity in a two man team. The exceptions are the Infernal and Doomguard, who are enslaved pets. You can see chains on them representing the enslave. Incidently, any Demon upto level 62 can be enslaved by a Lock. From the Darkhounds outside Undercity, through to the elites inside Instances. No doubt bosses and named NPCs are immune, but ive never tried this. yet)

So, who else can remove Hunters Marks?

I know Mages can remove Curses, and i think Shamen can too, but what about regular magical debuffs? Id guess Paldins can. And can Priests?

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Shammies can't remove curses, only poison and disease.

Have you lot been in Shadow Hold in Jaedanar in Felwood, christ that place is massive! Me and Bicks had a follow up q where we had to fill a canteen from a well, and the the place is never ending! Did OK for 2 of us, considering it's full of L55 demons and warlocks, but didn't finish it.

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Errrr, yes you can stealth, you just aren't very hidden thats all

So you can stealth, but i can see you? Ohhh :lol::lol:

What Dan means is that stealth for a rogue serves two purposes.

The first if the obvious one in that we can't be seen.

The second is that stealth for us is like shadow form for priests or stances for warriors etc - we can only do certain moves and openers when stealthed.

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My Epic quest is taking me in there several times at the moment.

The Place really is vast. Similar in size to the Elite Troll area in the Hinterlands.

Luckily, i have some horribly expensive (and soulbound) Warlocky potion that makes all the people inside think im mates with them. In fact, im about to go in there now, and give some bloke 150 gold.

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Shammies can't remove curses, only poison and disease.

Have you lot been in Shadow Hold in Jaedanar in Felwood, christ that place is massive! Me and Bicks had a follow up q where we had to fill a canteen from a well, and the the place is never ending! Did OK for 2 of us, considering it's full of L55 demons and warlocks, but didn't finish it.

Do you mean the underground cave network?

I stealthed in there and did a q pop, but I got a dreaded escort q while I was down there which meant I actually had to fight the mobs, oh the unfairness of it all......

To answer your question Rev, yes there is a way to lose it. You run, hide, and wait a few minutes :lol:

Sie, can you enchant my boots again? I got some new ones, and do you do crusader enchant?

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Fearing a Paladin inside the underground chambers, when you are friendly with the residents and he isnt, is very funny.

And Dan, if you have only seen as far as the Escort Q goes, you have only seen about a third (possibly less) of the area.

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I think me and Bicks got to the end, at least I hope we did! You can see how massive it is when you die. My corpse marker was right the way up near the Horde FP. If anyone can describe where the well is for us, I'd be much obliged!

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It was 7041, which is a lot

And the weird guy in the background? Well, it was a thing called a Paladin. Which would explain both its strangeness and its shitness (before it died).

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You wouldnt want to do it to a boss in an instance mind.

If it didnt kill him, it would kill you. Aint nothing a tank is going to be able to do to get aggro back after one of those!

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Don't mention instances....."Riss The Instance Ruinator" struck again last night! After months of not having my computer crash on me once (since memory and graphics card upgrade) the bloody PC decided to "do a Riss" in the middle of the sunken temple, just as we'd started to get to grips with the mobs in the middle.

So sorry for anyone who didn't finish their q's, but I'm up for giving it another go tonight. When I finally got back on I took the opportunity to drop down the big hole in the middle for a look see. There's an altar and some more elite mobs, must be part of another q I suppose.

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Yeah Dan, I can enchant your boots.

As for the highesr crit I've seen, it was a 5 (yes, five) figure number to the tune of 22,000+. Happened in Zul'Gurub (it's down to some kind of buff/debuff that occurs on a boss making it possible).

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Oh bloody hell Bicks, I don't think the well is actually in the Shadow Hold at all, but in the middle of Jaedanar somewhere. Looked on Alakhazam, and there are follow ups where you have to douse the flames and kill the blokes inside. So basically everything we did last night was just practice! Nice XP and the chance to bash a few heads of course!

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So Nays, do you get a free/cheap epic mount as well from a quest, or is it the same for all classes? How do epic mounts differ btw?


At Level 40, Warlocks get a free mount. Its actually considered a demon we summon, like say, our imp or succubus or felhunter. At level 40, we get a quest to get the "summon Felsteed" spell. The quest involves travelling all the way from Orgrimmar to Rachet, and asking a guy for a free mount.

The mount costs mana to summon (its a % of the Locks base mana, at the moment its costing me about 600 mana to summon)

I can buy a regular mount if i want to. But why would i want to?

Paladins also get a free mount at level 40, and one through a chain of quests at level 60 to get their epic mount, which i understand costs about the same amount of gold and effort as a Warlock epic.

The Warlock Epic mount? Well, its our Epic quest, isnt it? Shamen get one for the Epic Helm and im sure all other classes get some kind of Epic Weapon for them. Warlocks dont have an Epic weapon. The closest thing we have is the Headmasters Charge which is a 500/1 shot of dropping in Schoolomance, and will be rolled on by all people who can equip staves, cos they see a purple item, and their eyes light up. So instead of a Weapon, we get a mount. Which i think costs anywhere from 300-500g, depending on what you buy and what you farm for in the chain of quests leading up to it. Speaking of which, again i will pay TRL 30 gold for 10 elixirs of shadow power should he be interested.

Its the same as the Felsteed, our level 40 mount in that it requires mana to summon. Its a 100% boost to speed, as opposed to the regular mounts 60%. Again, if i wanted to, i could save up loads of gold, and buy an epic for 800g or grind loads of rep in the battleground, and get an epic that way for 90g. Im going for the Dreadsteed.

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