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Its all about bases i think. Thats the score anyway, and you get bonus honor for defending bases or attacking. And killing off course! :twisted:

Learned the funniest trick from a fellow priest the other night. When you see paladins on the BG, just dot em with rank 1 dots. Will cost you no mana and the paladins are stupid enough to keep dispelling themselves free of em. By doing that they use all their mana, while you use nothing at all. Pretty funny :)

I got similar advice from another shammy. I've now got rank 1 earth and frost shocks on my bar. They don't do any damage, but earth shock still interrupts casters, and frost shock stills slows runners. Whereas before if I was in an instance and a mob was down to its last bit of health, I'd use the highest rank frost shock, which would slow them down (and quite often kill the mob) but would also use a ton of mana (our spells out the most mana inefficient in the game). Now rank one slows them down, and either me or someone else can catch them and finish them off with melee.

Another thing I love about this game, you never stop learning new tricks.

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If you want a laugh, have a quick read through the early pages in this thread to see just how far we've all come. My total time playing the game is 15 days, 20 hours. I dread to think what that is if you divide it by the number of days I'veowned the game.

Anyway, WoW quiz of the day is: Who said this?

FFS why do I bother, n00bs who never play are overtaking me now... Can I sell the game on ebay, or will there be serial key issues?

Clue (as if any were needed!) He'll probably beat Si and Nays to level 60!

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I was in Gadgetzan, jumping on the roofs of buildings, and shooting the Alliance below. That Hunter from last week with the /spit macro was there. I killed it twice :), Then after a while, i thought id release the infernal, and jump on a bat back to Orgrimmar. The infernal went steaming in on Ally, the enslave broke, and i jumped on board.

Then this happened:


I was flying around outside for a couple of minutes, and the level 58 infernal was inside Gadgetzan pounding on anything that moved, ally, horde, and probably the bruisers.



Came inside to have a look at the infernal, he was putting up a great fight against loads of people. I wasnt flagged so nothing could hit me..



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For Sion:

Here is that unit frames design I've been working on. I think its all finished now so I'm uploading it for you to grab.


Extract and install the usual mod way (all 3 folders). Now to set it up in the game...

Once in the game, type /duf to open the mod.

Click on Misc Options.

Click on the load dropdown menu and choose the profile "Custom" then click load. All done.

If you fine that the frames need moving, click "unlock frames" in duf, adjust them and then relock afterwards. I wouldn't touch anything else.

There is a shitload of context fuctionality in this UI that you'll discover as you play but one I should you tell you is this. Left clicking a player portrait box targets that player (usual behavior), right clicking brings up the drop down list for that player (again, normal behavior) but MIDDLE CLICKING is something new....

...If you middle click a player portrait box, you will NOT select that player as the traget but WILL select that player's target as your target. A very handy fuction indeed.

The rest you can discover or ask me.

If the link is down, i guess it can be re uploaded.

Its a much tweaked version of the UI, the default settings are shite.

The two things i like about it are that you can see who everyone in your party is targeting, and you can see your Targets Target, so you know who has aggro.

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Here it is...


Drop all three folders (once unzipped) into you interface/addons folder.

Then once you're in the game, type /duf and select the profile called "Custom".

Post here when you've downloaded it so I can take it back off my server.

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If you want a laugh, have a quick read through the early pages in this thread to see just how far we've all come. My total time playing the game is 15 days, 20 hours. I dread to think what that is if you divide it by the number of days I'veowned the game.

Anyway, WoW quiz of the day is: Who said this?

FFS why do I bother, n00bs who never play are overtaking me now... Can I sell the game on ebay, or will there be serial key issues?

Clue (as if any were needed!) He'll probably beat Si and Nays to level 60!

I believe I was that noob :D

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Had a great run in Alterac Valley yesterday, and even though alliance had 4 more players, we did well with good teamplay. Then i asked a mage fella next to me for water. And the cheeky bastard demanded 5 silver per bottle of mana! WTF!

He was even a guild mate, called Kapteinen. **** knob. So when he started charging not only healers on the BG, but also a guild mate money for conjuring mana i told him to **** right off. A-grade clearing in the woods

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You type /cackle. And press Enter. Repeatedly.

Mages who get arsey about food/water make me smile. Preparing a party for a fight is one of their jobs. Dishing out water to team mates is no different to healing them, buffing them, ressing them or whatever..

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I want to something interesting tonight, like a new instance or some ganking. All my quests seem to be "Kill 60 of these whatevers" at the moment and dare I say it, I'm a bit bored.........

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And i have the opposite problem.


As you can see, im looking a bit lost. 100k off of level 60, and no quest left that arent in Instances, or level 60+ elites.

Can i really grind out 100k of XP? Thats about 300 of those level 60 Twilight Cultist really bad people in Silthilus if i dont have any rested XP (and i dont)

Im trying to think where there might be quests left. Ive done Silithus, Winterspring, Eastern and Western plaguelands. There isnt anything in Burning Steppes that doesnt want me to go into a dungeon. Is there any Soloable stuff left for me??

As for you Riss, you should check out the joys of the PvP server. Go for a tour of the Alliance areas. Form a Gank Squad, and go splatter Ally in Duskwood or one of the other lowbie contested areas that you have hardly ever been to.

Some of the best nights ive ever had on WoW have been just when ive been riding around with Sie in areas where there is nothing for us XP or Gold wise, but there have been plenty of Alliance to tear into. Some of the running battles at Rachet, or wiping out the Alliance town in Ashenvale/Duskwood/Desolace have been a hoot.

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