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The Transfer Window


Do you like the concept of the January transfer window?  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like the concept of the January transfer window?

    • I hate it with every fibre of my body and would rather eat my own testicles than have to go through that again!
    • I can't see much justification for it
    • It has it's good and bad points
    • It's rather exciting isnt it
    • January? Marvellous, spiffing time of the year!

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I like it

it challenges all managers to get it right and does not allow for those with money to cherry pick throughout the season

You should build the squad inthe summer and then use the winter for problems with injuries etc.

I would also say no manager should be allowed to be sacked during the season, allow for stability

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**** Europe
Fine, but if we unilaterally go against UEFA we don't play in European competition.

Was it imposed upon the FA they had to have this to play in European competition then? If so i missed that.

For quite a while we operated in different windows and off the top of my head i can't see any problems that it caused.

Even if it did, it shouldnt necessarily mean us changing to an inferior system. If of course you feel like i do that it is in fact, an inferior system.

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the reason for the window was a deal with Europe to stop the scrapping transfers all together

Europe stated transfers were against free movement of labour BUT this was meant as a compromise

am I not true in saying most other coutries had one

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I like it

it challenges all managers to get it right and does not allow for those with money to cherry pick throughout the season

That's a good point Ian and one that is often used to justify it. However it is an ideal and not a reality. The reality is that the successful English clubs are limited to just a couple and have been so much richer and more successful than the others that they can afford to build very large high quality squads anyway. This negates the intended benefit and actually ends up punishing the teams who cannot afford to match them, widening the gap further.

I would also say no manager should be allowed to be sacked during the season, allow for stability

I quite like that idea, though it may well be unworkable.

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the reason for the window was a deal with Europe to stop the scrapping transfers all together

Europe stated transfers were against free movement of labour BUT this was meant as a compromise

am I not true in saying most other coutries had one

Surely Europe would have been better adopting our system then? :?

We only had a period between April and June when players couldnt move.

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disagree Gringo I think it increases their ability as they have to decide on a squad in the close season and work with it.

in a way that is why I think we have benefited under MON we have the stability knowing someone else won;t be brought in at the slight loss of form.

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My answer is twofold

In theory, yes the transfer window protects the small big club balance to some degree

In practice as a mod on this site, jesuz no, life would be so much simpler without transfer windows

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disagree Gringo I think it increases their ability as they have to decide on a squad in the close season and work with it.
No. then they are not managers they are coaches. It reduces the ability for a manger to manage changes in his team. For example, if the transfer window had been around 15 years ago, fergie couldn't have signed cantona, and bfr would leading us to our 12 the title in 15 years. Damn, an argument for the window.
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