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Everything posted by pacbuddies

  1. Sometimes, if you really wish hard enough, dreams come true.
  2. Lerner doesn't have a clue about football and football management. He may be a businessman but a football club is a whole lot different to a credit card company. His two appointments have been total **** ups and he is taking us backwards not forwards. The sooner he sells up the better. Lerner out.
  3. Tell me you're joking? The guy hasn't managed in the premier league for years, has failed everywhere he's been post Villa and you want him as manager? Well it sounds just about the sort of pedigree Lerner is looking for doesn't it!!
  4. And for the record Mr N'Zogbia this is the first season in my life I have not looked forward to match day and dreaded going down to home games.
  5. To think McLeish has made £millions out of being a manager over the last few years. Just goes to show it's not what you know it's who you know and if you are in the right place at the right time then no matter how much of a **** up you are you can make a mint.
  6. Don't know how much truth there is in the story of certain Villa players showing dissent towards McLeish today but I hope it is true because if us fans can't get rid of the useless prick then hopefully the players can.
  7. I wonder if Randy Lerner, when finalising his 5 year plan (over 5 years ago) reckoned that in 2012 we would be playing inferior quality football to Swansea City!!
  8. I predicted that we would get 16 points from our last 15 games and today is the first 0 points towards my predicted target. Now we need to get 16 points from our last 14 games.
  9. Don't say that. There might be people on here who think he's doing a good job and they may get upset.
  10. It was so good to see Heskey come on today. I bet the Newcastle defenders crapped themselves when he came on. Almost always guaranteed to score 0 goals.
  11. Keane is here on a short term loan. He will be gone in a couple of weeks. McLeish can't keep him and why the hell would he want to stay and play here when he can earn a fortune in LA? Forget Keane, he was only ever a short term bit of paper to fill in the cracks.
  12. If that's playing well then God help us when we play crap.
  13. After Man Citeh rip us a new arse next week we will be well and truly in the shit.
  14. Another 0 points towards McLeish's target of just about staying up.
  15. Just watched Swansea beat Albion at the Hawthorns. Swansea are Arsenal with 'L' plates. Brendan Rogers has got them playing good football. We should have interviewed and appointed him in the summer not some bloke who had just been relegated for the second time in four seasons. Sunderland winning again really rubs salt into the wounds. Wolves winning at QPR rubs even more salt into the wounds. We are gradually sliding down the table (yes I know we don't play until Sunday).
  16. fair enough, thought you may have been one of those who will go just to moan & boo What? Nobody goes just to moan and boo. Who in their right mind would fork out the cost of a ticket and trudge all the way to VP on a freezing cold night just to moan and boo when they could do this in the warmth of their own home for free?
  17. Going back over the seasons, the 2005/2006 season when we finished 16th with 42 points is the worst season we have had in a decade. I suppose, based on this, Alex McLeish only has to get another 15 points from the remaining 15 games to better this points haul and finish higher than 16th in the process and then he can at least state that he hasn't had the worst of seasons in a while. Just looking at the remaining fixtures I would estimate that we will get 16 points taking us to a season tally of 44 points. Not sure where we will finish but I think higher than 16th. This is probably the best we can hope for at the moment.
  18. just remember the players he had to work with there. a few of my SHA mates were raving about when he signed benitez arate bently and were linked with keane pavuchenko and babel he has better attacking players now so dont expect the same as before also hougton is a little overrated its only the last few games they have scored a lot of goals before that it was boring and winning by a goal Yes the players McLeish had at SHA were not as good. So why, if he has far better players to work with at Villa, are the results and the style of football no better? And if Hughton is a little overrated, why did he get Newcastle promoted and into a health position in the PL before being unexpectedly sacked and why are SHA now firmly planted in the play off zone with a game in hand despite having to play so many more games because of their Europa involvement?
  19. I recently took on a new client, the company owner is a SHA fan. He said that for the last few years he has really dread going to the sty (obviously he didn't call it that) and he had to drag himself to attend. He said the football was boring and negative. Now he loves going down and can't wait for match days and the football is now exciting to watch. So, based on the fact that McLeish bored the soul out of loyal fans for four years at the sty what makes anyone think he is suddenly going to have a management style change and offer us something different? Answers on a postcard please.
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