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Everything posted by pacbuddies

  1. I think Heskey has got a full time job at the Villa 'filling the hole' that McLeish keeps digging for himself at every press conference.
  2. Are they giving away free pies at this protest thing?
  3. Just watched Spurs, a team that were behind us a few years ago and who are now way ahead of us. Just goes to show what you can achieve with a Chairman that is in attendance and knows what he is doing and a good manager that wants his team to play football. I also caught a glimpse of that wonderful Newcastle side that some of our fans fill themselves up over and who used their 'Top 6' team status to try to justify why they beat us. Yes they are really great aren't they? RL and AMc are doing such a wonderful job.
  4. We won't go down (he says hopefully and with fingers crossed) because there are at least 3 teams who are decidedly worse than we are. Pick any 3 from Wigan, Bolton, Blackburn, Wolves and QPR. That good fortune will be the thing that saves us and McLeish this season. However, there is always next season to worry about.
  5. No of course you don't. Oops, the name Steve Maclaren suddenly sprung to mind!
  6. There's nothing like a good protest.
  7. And I can't believe that 56 pages have been devoted to talking about a bloody kit! It's a collection of coloured material for Gods sake. There are more important issues surrounding AVFC than who makes the kit and what the hell it looks like. It will be claret and blue and that's really all anyone needs to know about it.
  8. It would be rather weird and embarrassing to sing 'McLeish's Claret and Blue Army' when we have only beaten Blackburn, Wigan and Norwich at home this season (the last one being at the beginning of November). I may be wrong but generally fans sing things like this and other positive chants of the manager when we are doing relatively okay not when we are poor. I suspect, unless things take a major turn for the better, that McLeish's name will be sung by the Holte End (and other areas of the ground) but I doubt whether he will like it when it comes.
  9. I'll say it again, I bet similar comments were being said about Fabio Capello a few days ago but look what happened to him. You never know what could happen in football so don't think we are stuck with him.
  10. Keane is a very short term loan (not our player) and will be gone in about 2 weeks (or 2 games depending upon how you look at it). Jenas was also a loan (not our player), admittedly it was supposed to be for a whole season, but he has gone. So in effect the only 'real' signings McLeish has made are Given, Hutton and N'Zogbia. The first one mentioned is a good goalkeeper, the second one is an average full back and the third one has ability but has yet to show it for a whole game yet alone game after game.
  11. I may be wrong but didn't McLeish say during the early part of the season that he wanted to turn Villa Park into a fortress. Well, if he meant a medieval ruin then I think he has achieved his target.
  12. Someone keeps saying McLeish is here to stay so we better get used to it (or words to that effect). I bet similar quotes were made about Fabio Capello a few days ago but look what happened to him. Anything can happen so don't think we are stuck with McLeish for the next couple of years because that may prove to be a foolish thought.
  13. With all do respect to him but he had money to spend...some 17-18 million but he should of generated more by selling a lot of our "first teamers" even if for quite a low amount to get them off the wage bill. On Football Manager I started out with the same amount of dosh from Lerner and I managed to finish 5th in my first season by selling our established deadwood or loaning them out (to save the wages) and gave our youngsters a good go while pretty much transforming the team just 20 million. Oh **** me, really? REALLY? You HAVE to be taking the piss. If he was taking the piss he would have typed in italics. That's the new rule isn't it?
  14. I think Alex McLeish is a really good football manager.
  15. Like I said speaking to others at the game on sunday, as much as you don't think its true, it is! And these are fans that travelled 4 hours to newcastle. To me finishing bottom half is failing and same for others, a bottom half finish is unacceptable so thye would be happy for us to do that to give reason to get rid of AM. Well that is sad. I want McLeish gone because, in my opinion, he is a poor manager and not suited to AVFC. I would love to be proved wrong and for him to be very successful but again, in my opinion, I don't believe it will happen. I will never want Villa to lose and flounder just to save face and get rid of a manager. I can only assume, rightly or wrongly, that those people you have spoken to have become so disenchanted (and that's not difficult to understand) that they are now of this mindset.
  16. "There are people on here that would rather see us lose every week to save their own face. They would also like to see McLeish lose every week and lose his job rather than be successful". Do you really believe this????? I want McLeish to succeed and make Villa great again. I also want Sandra Bullock to be my sex slave. However, neither is very likely to happen but that doesn't mean I hope that it doesn't.
  17. I predict that my son and I will walk to the ground in about 35 minutes. On the way we will guess the size of the attendance and the result with only the faintest glimmer of hope in our predictions. On the way home we will be very quiet. Occasionally muttering that Alex McLeish is shit and oh wouldn't it be nice, just for once, to see the Villa win at home and make the season tickets worth having. Afterwards we have some time off before we have to start getting depressed about the next game.
  18. How do you think match day attendance is recorded? Is it based on: A) people who actually click through a turnstile on match day; or the number of season ticket holders plus the number of match day tickets sold for the game regardless of whether they turn up or not.
  19. McLeish knows he is safe at the next home game. Everyone expects us to get turned over by Man City so if we do get beat then nobody will be shocked. However, if we get a draw or somehow manage to get a win the fans will be ecstatic (short term memory loss kicks in) and he can go home a happy boy for another week. Unfortunately for him, our next home game is against Fulham (having played Wigan and Blackburn away) and if we don't beat them then he will get what he deserves from the fans.
  20. Plus we shouldn't be sacking him until Steve Bruce has found himself another job. Just the thought makes me shudder! If there was ever a reason to keep McLeish it would be so we don't end up with Steve **** Bruce. He'd be first in line too what with his premiership experience and all *shudder*. Would have to agree. Can you imagine Lerner's shortlist: Steve Bruce Trevor Francis Barry Fry All know the area and having managed at the STY would see coming to VP as going to heaven!
  21. Keep him and we'll be in a worse position than we have been in for ages. Lerner needs to realise that he has made another almighty **** up and then spend some serious time and research getting it right next time. Perhaps continually having to pay out compensation for his mistakes might make him wake up and smell the coffee for once!
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