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Everything posted by pacbuddies

  1. A reasonably good performance, probably the best we have played at home this season and for once we actually looked like the home team. However, this has to be tempered with the following: 1. QPR are probably the worst team to visit VP this season and yet we still only managed to draw. 2. Three months have passed since we last won at home. 3. We struggle to keep a clean sheet even against the poorest of teams. 4. We are slowly but surely being dragged down the league. Although the football on display against QPR was more pleasing to watch this, in my opinion, is not likely to be the norm and with 3 of the next 4 league games away from home and the only home game against the team at the top of the league leaves me feeling a little bit concerned for the remainder of the season.
  2. You're like a stuck record so, rather than continue to wait for an interesting response, I'll move on to enjoy more original posts from others. I note that you haven't informed anyone else that their post has been said before either in this thread or any other and I am sure the thread on McLeish has hundreds of the same or similar posts so if you are looking for originality then steer well clear of this thread. Perhaps you have a particular dislike of me, who knows? Whatever your reason for your original ridiculing post is I don't know but I guess you have met your match when it comes to ultimate sarcasm.
  3. Oh for a home win. I am beginning to forget what one of those is.
  4. Watch out, brommy will get you and tell you that this has already been said and when you state that it hasn't brommy will ask you to explain any meaningful differences.
  5. No it wasn't. Something similar maybe but if you read the words it is different. Please try to read the words! Please explain any meaningful differences. Never mind, it's obviously way over your head.
  6. I seem to remember that Swansea were a promoted side below us in the table. Oh yes, they hadn't won an away game in the PL either!
  7. No it wasn't. Something similar maybe but if you read the words it is different. Please try to read the words!
  8. Haha i thought this too, it was either that or risk losing to boro and having to put up with my mate gloating. for me a replay would of been the worst result. Yea, a replay would have been the worst result for me too. I would have had to fork out money for a match ticket to see us get done at home again. At least now I save some money.
  9. It's not incredible really. Some people just haven't got the ability to see past the end of their nose and so one win makes everything in the garden rosy! You just have to accept that there are people out there with a low expectancy level and they probably carry this attitude on in their everyday lives hence why the country is also in a mess.
  10. The day that McLeish gets the sack will be a joyous day indeed.
  11. Alex McLeish must be the most hated manager in Villa history. Not once throughout this season has his name been chanted (positively) by the fans.
  12. If we didn't play such boring dross hoofball at home then maybe the fans would not need to moan and they would have good cause to cheer. To even suggest that the home fans are responsible for the poor results at VP is ridiculous in the extreme and something that I would expect to hear as a lame excuse from McLeish on AVTV. Villa fans are no different to anyone else's fans and f they are constantly being served shit then they will complain about it.
  13. At least by losing at Arsenal we have possibly been spared the indignity and embarrassment of being beaten in the next round by a MON inspired Blunderland.
  14. They passed it around better too and Arsenal never got a touch.
  15. I think you might want to have another look at this!! Thankfully Graham Turner only got one, very brief go. Graham T*$£~@# on the other hand...don't get me started!! Oh yes, Graham Taylor Mark 2, my apologies. It's been a long depressing day.
  16. This scheme amounts to child cruelty on a grand scale. Fancy asking young impressionable kids to watch that dross!!
  17. Once being 30 years ago? I would say they have done very little to hinder the inconsistent and in the most part 'distinctly average' football thats been displayed by AVFC for the last 3 decades. You must have been asleep for a while. The garbage served up under McLeish is the worst and most boring football in a long while. Even under the dark days of Billy McNeil and Graham Turner Mark 2 they were never as consistently boring as now.
  18. Anything less than a win against QPR and the chants for McLeish's head will be very loud and I will be shouting at the top of my voice. I never wanted him and never will.
  19. Oh all hail Lerner and McLeish. It's a sad state of affairs when fans are looking around and hoping that there are three worse teams in the PL than us! What has Lerner and Mcleish done to this once proud and wonderful club?
  20. Exactly. The more I watch the replay, the more it looks like its hit his arm. No, the knob is Mcleish.
  21. I Can't wait to hear what lame dross excuses McLeish comes out with after this game!
  22. The season is over before the end of January thanks to McLeish and Lerner.
  23. **** knows what McLesih said at half time but it must have been something like "play like a bunch of pricks lads" and we can salvage a defeat out of this 2v0 lead we have.
  24. An absolute disgrace. How to turn victory into defeat, a new novel by the author Alex McLesih.
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