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Everything posted by Condimentalist

  1. It's not a good reason, it's just that alcohol has been in many cultures for thousands and thousands of years. In terms of harm to the individual and to society, alcohol rates as a class A.
  2. I'd like to think that proper education would mean that the stigma WOULD remain. It's obviously a difficult situation making something so obviously damaging available but over the medium to long term I think less and less people would take cocaine. The cocaine would be safer as well, you wouldn't have it laced with glass to make it shine for example. I'd hope people will realise it's dumb and not do it, regardless of legality. The hit for organised crime and the benefits for the producer countries would also be massive. It's a big step, and it's obviously not ideal, but as I said, I think it's a far better scenario than what we have now.
  3. Indeed. We shouldn't be stopping them, we should be discouraging them and providing proper treatment.
  4. Most people who drink are not alcoholics, no. But with a drug like Cocaine, the consequences of the equivalent of a few pints (i.e. a few lines) after work is much more damaging to the user and everyone around them. It changes people, mentally and physically in a much shorter time frame and with much more venom than an addiction to alcohol, which in the vast majority of cases can be controlled. I agree, but I genuinely don't think people would just hit a few lines of coke after work purely because it is legal to do so. For example, cannabis use amongst the Dutch has dropped since it was legalised over there. If you want to be an irresponsible drug user, then you can be anyway. It's hardly difficult to get hold of drugs in this country, and if you have a regualr dealer then even less so. Perhaps cocaine available on a govt. regulated market could be made less addictive?
  5. Exactly why they shouldn't be legalised IMO. I still have the occasional line, if there was no social or legal reason against taking drugs I would probably do it all the time and that would be terrible, I'd really mess myself up. Most drugs are illegal for a reason, they can seriously destroy your life. I've seen too many friends go down that path. With Cocaine especially. Most people who drink alcohol are not alcoholics. Coke is particularly nasty stuff, I too have mates who have gone down the wrong route - but properly implemented legalisation and education would not, I'd hope, lead to massive nationwide cone-nosing. It's not a perfect solution but I think it's better than what we have now in so many ways.
  6. Absolutely. Of course they can be dangerous, that goes for most things, but there is such a thing as responsible drug use. If only there was a responsible drug policy to match. True dat. I believe that drugs should be legalised. It would mean cleaner and 'safer' drugs, no gang or turf wars or street dealing and it could be taxed. To some this may seem a load of radical leftist liberal tosh that is unrealistic, but I think it could help. Of course it doesn't do much in terms of helping addicts, maybe the extra revenue from the drugs could go in to more funding for rehab programmes and helping people who want to kick their habit? You can't force someone to stop taking drugs because you think it's dirty Agreed. Better education about drugs, a regulated market and proper treatment for those with problems is the way forward. It would lower organised crime massively, swell public coffers and allow those who may need treatment to seek it out without fear, whilst also ensuring that the drugs that are available are 'safe' and of decent quality. Will never happen in this country unfortunately.
  7. Absolutely. Of course they can be dangerous, that goes for most things, but there is such a thing as responsible drug use. If only there was a responsible drug policy to match.
  8. Old school! Good tune and good album to be fair.
  9. Condimentalist


    Like but not love. Ten or so good really good tunes, most of them on 'Play' which is a very good album, and a lot of average stuff as well. A fan, but not a fanatic.
  10. Similarities to a certain Premier League game then. :|
  11. Phace & Misanthrop's Neosignal promo mix. I highly recommend it to anyone with an interest in electronic music.
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