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Everything posted by Condimentalist

  1. Isnt that one of MON's main qualities instilling that into his players? i dont think things are right in the dressing room imo I don't think the dressing room is the problem tbh, but that had better be a wake up call and we'd better sign some players and start fighting a bit harder.
  2. I tell you what we've lacked today, drive, energy and belief. Without that we are nothing because MON doesn't have us playing good, controlled football. A traincrash of a start to the season.
  3. I can't possibly answer this until September 1st so will return to it then!
  4. We haven't finished signing players yet, so the arguments about strengthening are (predictably) premature. Your arguments are just standard football fan gripes, if you can't deal with them then you shouldn't be a football fan. Sell it, by all means.
  5. Goldie - Timeless Did anyone watch 'Classic Goldie' on the BBC over the last 10 days? Good TV I thought.
  6. Cyantific - Empty Streets Not their usual stuff, very Burial-esque.
  7. Fast-food-wise I do love KFC, but at home my vice is cheese and pickle sandwiches. I must eat them almost daily. And crisps, but I'm getting better with them.
  8. Now there's a tune that doesn't **** around. 'Driving Insane' is still one of my favourites DnB albums.
  9. Not really my thing mate, but try these for wobble, they're pretty good fun and are standardly rinsed out at raves. Twisted Individual - Rusty Sheriff's Badge Are you into your DnB much? I've got to say that listening to wobble/jump-up DnB at home generally leaves me pretty cold.
  10. Rusko live set was weak, hence he has now cancelled his live tour. Anyone get a chance to listen to any sets from WMC this year? Usually sets the trend for the year ahead. I know Noisia recorded something from there. Will have to check it out when I got my dnb head on. Only just checked this thread back. That Noisia set is here in case you didn't get it. I really cannot wait for their album.
  11. It's not a good reason, it's just that alcohol has been in many cultures for thousands and thousands of years. In terms of harm to the individual and to society, alcohol rates as a class A. Its stupid the amount of people that die from smoking and drinking compared to the big fat zilch that die of smoking cannabis yet they bump it up to a class b? Cannabis **** with your head big style Thats all If thats OK for you, then smoke away. Reality is a foreign country Depends who you are and how much you smoke, but it certainly has that capacity. Similarly, drinking too much too often will **** with your body, and that's more indiscriminate. All things in moderation.
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