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Everything posted by Condimentalist

  1. Complete fool. How anyone would publish anything he'd ever written is beyond me. I'd rather have the perspective of Liam Ridgewell's child.
  2. Photek - Modus Operandi My old speakers are finally fixed, 6 months on, and sounding pretty damn sweet
  3. Just having a first listen of LTJ Bukem's fabriclive mix.
  4. Black Sun Empire and Hazard tonight. Soul shaking.
  5. We all knew Labour would get trounced here, but what an awful result for the Lib Dems. I really thought they might gain some ground, but instead it seems as thought the country has just lurched to the right.
  6. Labour don't give a toss where the other votes go. They'd probably be more concerned if the Lib Dems gained seats tbh. The BNP getting seats is just bad all round, there's no benefit in it, it just shows the level of ignorance in the British public.
  7. That's because they're racist scum. And you voted for them.
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