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Everything posted by peterms

  1. That would be an unusual and rather pointless definition. In the context of this discussion, food supplements normally refers to substances which don't naturally occur, ie manufactured, specifically to add to a diet something essential which might otherwise be lacking. If you use the word to mean everything you eat, you've stripped it of any sensible meaning.
  2. I see that Notso has been ridiculed for his non-appearance on Sky. In fact he was saving himself for this masterpiece of political communication.
  3. If you eat a vegan diet without vitamin supplements, you will be deficient in B12. Check it out.
  4. Sometimes the Conservatives don't get enough credit for their contribution to economic growth. Here's an example of how one part of the service sector has exploded under their leadership.
  5. More than that, a vegan diet is nutritionally deficient, and vegans need to take care to take vitamin supplements.
  6. His inclusion of the word "brand" is intended to suggest it's an issue of perception, of marketing. Leaving out that word gives a far more accurate statement of the issue.
  7. I've been eating Asian food for the last week or so. A small amount has been deep fried, most is flash fried in a wok with a small amount of oil, some is barbecued, some is steamed. Mainly pretty healthy, especially compared with the average UK diet. Also the time from picking or killing to preparation appears to be very brief. They do eat more of the fat from the meat than we do, but the idea that fatty meat is unhealthy is another of those myths that could do with being retired.
  8. Yes. The recent problem with vegan/veggie diets is that manufacturers of processed food see it as a big, trendy new market, and are producing all sorts of shite and pushing it as healthy simply because it's vegan, even though it may be very far from being healthy. A lot of people are at risk of being taken in.
  9. Edinburgh. Probably more than an overnight, though. Also a big wheel and ice rink.
  10. In close proximity but not inside, surely? I don't suppose vegans would see that as a difference worth considering, though.
  11. Didn't Chengdu also switch its bus fleet over to electric, for about half the cost of Edinburgh putting in one crappy tram line?
  12. Thanks, looks interesting. Hard to get to grips with the scale of what they've been doing in China...
  13. Not the kind of thing I expect to see on our national television.
  14. A financial impact assessment of his actions might be instructive.
  15. Absolutely unforgivable that they have apologised. He should have been harder hitting in challenging her smirking.
  16. I must point out that if there were one, it would be "Spelling Nazi".
  17. Not only about the BBC - a conservative journalist discusses how the media have adopted an uncritical and facilitative approach to the government's use of lies and deceit to spin stories, and how well it's working. Quite long, with many specific and recent examples. British journalists have become part of Johnson’s fake news machine
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