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Everything posted by peterms

  1. We simply need to repatriate a load of pensioners from Spain. They'll be glad to help out with a little light outdoor work.
  2. Salma Yaqoob has been posting lots of twitter message of support for her bid to be mayor, from councillors and local activists. Somehow "Chippy Tits supports Jez" doesn't have quite the same ring. More like graffiti.
  3. That's useful to know. I've passed your details to the Merseyside Corrections Committee.
  4. The story is from Bellingcat, and the video from the White Helmets. These are not reliable sources. And the NYT is famous for giving us the WMD line, let's remember. It is alleged to clear stories with the US military and intelligence services. The building is a bunker in an area controlled by al-Qaeda or one of the other often-rebranded groups. The location means that the person writing the article didn't go there, and relies on information given by people operating under the wing of the group controlling the area. Other underground facilities in areas recaptured from these groups have been found to have various uses, both military and also medical facilities for the fighters. The inclusion of some medical facilities in such a place doesn't make it a hospital. If it had been a hospital, which it doesn't seem to be, and was also used for other military purposes, then according to the US it's a fair target. See for example a report on a bombing of an actual hospital, this.
  5. Well, you can want a career in politics and choose the party which at that moment seems likely to offer good opportunities (Blair), or you can get involved in politics because you care about it, and may find yourself in a position you didn't envisage and didn't especially seek (Corbyn). The former group really don't care about empowering the working class. It's never been an issue for them, it's not a part of their life, they're not people they live among or meet other than fleetingly. Though there are also actual working class careerists, as well. Their loyalty to working class issues is strained, when it conflicts with personal advancement.
  6. You think that ditch was a hospital? Seriously?
  7. Yes, the NYT has done this one before. It's a hospital, right?
  8. However it does create brief comic moments for people on twitter. The comments in the thread are quite amusing.
  9. Jewish Voice for Labour have produced a report on the details of the allegations in the Ellman case. Some familiar themes appear, such as criticism of her anti-Palestinian views being reported as antisemitism. The same old tactics.
  10. The aim seems to be to return to something like the 1998 Adana agreement, which involved Syria undertaking to prevent PKK operating in its territory, which Turkey saw as a significant threat. Turkey would have limited rights of incursion, for example in response to attacks, but would not occupy Syrian territory. It obviously depends on Syria regaining control of its territory. It would end the threat of Turkish occupation of swathes of Syria, while giving Turkey something to show in respect of what Russia recognises as its "legitimate security concerns". Syria regains its territory, the Kurds are safe from attack though don't become an autonomous area, which is the thing that Turkey seems most bothered by. It's not Trump's master plan, and I am not suggesting it is. What I'm saying is that he has been clear for several years that he wants to withdraw, but other forces within the US are keen to prevent this - though the idea that their motivation is concern for the Syrian people is laughable. The Russian approach appears to be to stabilise the area by achieving the return of Syrian areas to Syria while also reaching agreement with Turkey on not continuing its plans for annexation. That seems vastly preferable, to me. Ending conflict is also clearly required before refugees are able to return, leaving aside Turkey's barking proposal to forcibly resettle them in a strip of Syria occupied by Turkey. I see the US-Turkey "ceasefire" arrangement runs until the day of the forthcoming scheduled meeting between Erdogan and Putin.
  11. I was asking if you were aware of the proposed arrangement between Syria, Turkey, the Kurds, and Russia.
  12. Are you aware of what is being proposed?
  13. I agree. But at least having them out of the way opens the door to a political solution rather than continual armed conflict.
  14. They've spent several years facilitating war crimes and murder, through the "moderate rebels". It sounds like Russia is going to manage the situation, which will be simpler if the US quickly withdraw.
  15. Yes, I can't see why it would be in the EU's interest to refuse an extension, in a situation where the political balance is so unstable and an election may happen. It makes sense to put pressure on Saturday's vote by suggesting this is the only available deal, and I assume that's his aim in saying this.
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